5th Official Party Cup Registration


Well-Known Member
Happy Early 4th of July to everyone and welcome to the 5th official party cup grow-off Registration

Here is the basic outline of the comp. For those involved with the last comp it is the same.
Party cups (16oz) Only

Any indoor light source- no changing light sources once started

Participants and sponsors may vote on winner(s)

Prizes are Available sponsors : to be determined yet

Start from seed only.No Clones

12/12 the entire time = No Veg time

Start 5 seeds, keep only 1 by the time sex shows.

Registration Starts 7-1 to 8-1. Then that should give us enough time to finalize all the names entered and create a new thread.

weekly updates mandatory or you're out

If there is anything that i am forgetting just let me know!

Now let the Registration begin! Have fun and Good luck!
I'm in for this one. My only request for this one is to put something in place to make sure this one doesn't carry on for 6 months again. Either shorter registration and germ windows or a hard cut-off date where if you aren't finished by then, tough luck. Just a suggestion, not a big deal either way really. Looking forward to participating in the fun again.
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I'm in, questions though....?

The last day to register is 8/1, do we start growing on that day or now or whats the deal?

Also, do we have to start 5 seeds? Can't I just start 1 and hope for the best?
Puff, I get what your saying I think the reason why this last one took so long is because there were quite few people started seeds during registration and those who started towards end germ window. It's hard to put a deadline finish for everyone make it faster as all strains finish different timeframes. Unless everyone is made to wait and start there seeds only during the germ window.

Tko how did you wanna do it this time? And is it strictly 5 seeds only? Or you can pop as many seeds as you want till the germ window closes as long as you only have five by that time?

Mighty Mike of course you can always pop just one and hope for best ;) but why would you wanna do that?
Ok... I think I will try this one if you guys don't mind, I got Greenhouse Seeds Kalashnikova x4 that I was going to throw away. Tasted like overpowering lemon/pine; not really my thing, not to mention the extreme foxtailing and bananas. Maybe there is a better pheno in the 4 left, lets hope so but I doubt it.

Oh ya tkowitha123, your "Early 4th of July" just happens to land on July 1st, so Happy Canada Day! or Happy Cannabis Day to some of us.

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I'm in! I'll be running my very own OMG (Talkeetna Old man X The Grouch= old man grouch) F1! it'll be the first chance anyone gets to see what kind of phenos this family cross can produce! I'm excited! When can we start popping beans?
Im in, couple of questions though, is it 12/12 constantly, once the seed sprouts ? That would cause some insane stretch on the seedling wouldnt it ? And can i put it in my flowering tent with other plants ? I wouldnt really have space to grow just the cup. Also, can i use a fem seed and pop less(financial reasons)?
Seeds can be started as early as 8-1 and must be above ground by 9-1 no exceptions, maximum of 5 (fem or reg) seed germination total, must pick the one seedling after they start to show sex. Start to finish 12/12 lighting, 13/11,or 11/13 also excepted. Anything I missed?
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Seeds can be started as early as 8-1 and must be above ground by 9-1 no exceptions, maximum of 5 (fem or reg) seed germination total, must pick the one seedling after they start to show sex. Start to finish 12/12 lighting, 13/11,or 11/13 also excepted. Anything I missed?
Yes, can i put the cup in my flowering tent with my other plants under my rw-150's ?
After much deliberation, I think I'll get back into the ring this round, with a personal cross I made recently.

When I sprouted the AL beans I used for last party cup comp, one of them turned out to be male. So I separated him from the pack and when the time was right, I did some selective impregnating with a tasty and frosty crop king hash plant I really enjoy.

So, I could fall on my face, or have the next cup winner! ;)

Looking forward to another round of shit talking with you crazy lot.