5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

Strain: Blue Bubba regs.
Friends strain, ive seen two phenos, one indica, one saativa, the sativa is the heavy yielder, however im hoping for the indica which seems to bring out the blue more. Either way, bomb strain.

Medium: recycled LOS soil, with vermiuculite.
Always going to add nutrient in water, also will be working on micro mulching and micro companion cropping.

Lights: SUPRA COB (420 watts), the tent is a 4x4, im constantly rotating plants so the cups will be all over the place.

Eh, sprouted 6hrs ago, but theyve yet to pop out of soil, will post as soon as they do!

Is it gay that i named them after my bestes friends in the whole wide world? (I think they are all guys, have my suspicion on hyroot and chroni) only time will tell. Hehehe spelled "scotch" wrong, eh whats new right? Stupid broken iphone..

you got the date a little wonky brotha
august 31 should be 8-31-14:eyesmoke:
I have two sprouts to report, so I'm officially in, and it's officially on!
Timewreck x Cerberus #1, and Timewreck x Cerberus #2, are both above ground.

Strain: (5) Timewreck x Cerberus (home made cross)
Nutrients: The General Organics line
Light Source: An Area 51 XGS 190 and a Generic Brand Reflector LED light (pulls around 200W)
Media: Happy Frog
Timewreck x Cerberus #1, and Timewreck x Cerberus #2, are both above ground on 8-31-14.

Picture time!!!

My Cups
Cups 2.jpg

Group Shot

My LED lights

Timewreck x Cerberus #1
TWxCerb 1 8-31.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #2, with her shell facing the lens.
TWxCerb 2.jpg

Also Timewreck x Cerberus #2, but from behind, there she is.
TWxCerb 2 behind 8-31.jpg

I went with 5 seeds of my own cross for this competition, hopefully they'll do me proud.
Green thumbs, and fingers, crossed that the other three break ground in the next twenty four hours. I want to wish all of the remaining competitors good luck, I look forward to doing battle, there can be only one!
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Them roasted chickens at the supermarket will never look the same to me. :(

How does a person with the handwriting skills of Helen Keller grow such beautiful plants????? :???: :lol:

Ha, sometimes zero fucks need to be given when aiming for perfection. Think your dots support that. Bro, I'm curious as hell to know what your google history looks like, can only imagine what you had to use as a search term to find the mccuppins pic. Awesome update though, that shit had me dying.
I went to sleep last night, hoping against hope, that my last three seeds would pop within the next 24 hours. Luck for me I woke up early this morning, just minutes before lights out, to discover they only needed about 8 hours to get the job done. All 5 of my seeds have sprouted, so I'm balls deep into this comp.

Timewreck x Cerberus #3 broke ground 9-1-14
TWxCerb #3 9-1.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #4 broke ground 9-1-14
TWxCerb #4 9-1.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #5 broke ground 9-1-14
TWxCerb #5 9-1.jpg
End of Week 1 update!
So shit is still alive :O That's the biggest news I have to report. Started feeding Grow Big at 250ppm mid-week and am now at 400 ppm for this week's res fill. PH has been rising slowly so I'm refilling at 5.5. Had to secure Ras #2 into it's lid because it fell into the res! Doesn't seem to mind though, it's still the most vigorous of the bunch. Starting to see some root hairs too!
IMG-20140901-00473.jpg IMG-20140901-00474.jpg IMG-20140901-00476.jpg IMG-20140901-00477.jpg IMG-20140901-00479.jpg IMG-20140901-00480.jpg
K finally time to upload the pics, had to survive a week of vacation with no internet... cuz my mom for some reason can survive without it...

Rolling a fem'd Purple Trainwreck from Humboldt Seeds, in a mix of coir n happy frog, top dressed in castings. She moves around my flower room as space permits, so lighting is a pair of 600w hps, and one each 125/250w CFL's depending on location. (Being my first ever solo grow, and my first ever 12/12 from seed, I have kinda prioritized my larger girls on the space, lol) Topped her on the 23'rd when headed out. Literally snipped, snapped a pic, and was out the door.



May be DQ'd for missing weekly updates in my first week already, but had to post anyhow now that I got the pics, and the internet, lol.

Happy growin!
K finally time to upload the pics, had to survive a week of vacation with no internet... cuz my mom for some reason can survive without it...

Rolling a fem'd Purple Trainwreck from Humboldt Seeds, in a mix of coir n happy frog, top dressed in castings. She moves around my flower room as space permits, so lighting is a pair of 600w hps, and one each 125/250w CFL's depending on location. (Being my first ever solo grow, and my first ever 12/12 from seed, I have kinda prioritized my larger girls on the space, lol) Topped her on the 23'rd when headed out. Literally snipped, snapped a pic, and was out the door.

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View attachment 3244137

May be DQ'd for missing weekly updates in my first week already, but had to post anyhow now that I got the pics, and the internet, lol.

Happy growin!

I usually don't nit pick about rules but if this is your first post,you almost didn't follow any of them.
The rest of the babies made it to their final homes today... 1 had a long enough tap root out of the magic jiffy to drop in to my mini dwc a few days after it germed, shes been a rocket since :bigjoint: had a minor reservoir issue, but thats solved. I'll shut up and put up now!
A shot of my empty ass flower room
Hydro cups (Hothead is my rocket)
And my dirty bitches (technically coconutty bitches)
I usually don't nit pick about rules but if this is your first post,you almost didn't follow any of them.

I saw strain lights and medium...he missed a few things, including a post with picture of when they germed... @tkowitha123
What do you have to say prime chancellor sand king? Is he still in? I know we dont vote on it but it would add a game showesque quality... you know, vote 1 person off every week...You are the weakest link! Goodbye:finger:

A few minutes away from 1st update since initial post...Gotta wait till 8 for the lights to come on. Anyway, I recently started that 4th bean, a Barneys Blue Cheese...Well, here's her cup...

She popped heseed yesterday, 8/31, and I threw her in rockwool

And if you look real close, you can see her little root tip poking outta the seed...

So I just gotta wait for the lights to come on and she joins her sisters. The Pineapple Chunk, I'm unsure about, and the Critical Kush is a little leggy, but I expected that.