The greatest of yield but damn stinky stinky A quality stuff. Onward and upward from here next in line to come down will be the Platinum og really wasn't expecting that much from this one this on the fact that there was zero veg ,transplant from nursery cup to 5 gallon pot. But it looks like the true genetics are showing high quality here as well big huge ass Swaying buds trying not to collapse too far down. Just starting to see a few red trichomes so any day I guess I'd like this one to go a little longer since I pulled the skunk a little early trying to avoid a downhill stone. This kush I got Specifically to nail my shoulder pain so I'm interested in seeing how far she will go. she still has a little nitrogen to use but other than that ready to go anytime I suppose. That's the update no big news just a slight victory with a harvest cheers to all the fellow brothers outdoors is looking well