576 watt lg-led solutions panel grow


Well-Known Member
Ding.......Ding...........Ding^^^^^^................. also EWC/neem meal top dress has been very effective on fungus gnats for me..........if your running organics I would NOT use h2o2 either!.....if your using salt-based synthetics in your regiment, then go ahead and use the peroxide soil drench

good luck

Agree, well I never had Fungus gnats (cross fingers) but used the H2O2 for other purpose with good results (specially over watering) and even tho Im in organic soil it don't seem`s to harm anything really (read the article please)

Might take it tole on the microbes, but as a life saver I see no problem in using it, I rather safe my plant and/or get rite of pest and have to use salt based nutrients to finish em of with (tho IMO the microbes will in most cases bounce back if you only used it a few times, in a deluded form and treat the soil afterwords, I like my molasses) then loose my plants or most of its yield

when I use it I just use the "normal" 3% from the drug store (5ml per gallon of water) no need to go around the world to find the 30 or 50% you just have to delude it first before using it then

make sure to keep a eye on the plant/pot the following day/s as the medium will dry out pretty quickly after the treatment (why it works so damn well for overwatering)


Well-Known Member
I was actually able to find a plasma light for just over $700, not far off from the good induction lights I was looking at. It says that it's the closest to natural sunlight that humans have been able to replicate and it's full spectrum, but that's just what they're saying so who knows if they're being honest. Just been looking around at other types of light other than hid, would like to put plasma or induction in the next flower room I build so I can run 2 grows at once with 1 flowering under led and the other under the alternate lighting and see the differences. The h2o2 has worked really good for me so far, the thrips are hating life right now and the plants are doing good with no issues arising since I've drenched the soil twice. I did the first drench then 2 days later the soil was drying out like normal and it was feeding time, feed them their molasses mix and then 2 days later the soil was dried to the point I normally water 'em so I did 1 more drench. Also sprayed the leaves down twice with a h2o2 solution and they seem to love it


Well-Known Member
Does anyone happen to know if attitude seeds comes by usps once the package enters the states?

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Never mind, they just emailed me with the answer. I'm an idiot

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Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, the LSTing has really paid off. I can't wait to see how it does yield wise, got 7 nodes in the canopy on just 1 plant so I'm hoping for at least 3 ounces per plant but only time will tell. If I can pull at least that much I'll have a little more than double what I have invested right now

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Got bored so I planted some red pepper, green onion, basil, and ginseng seeds to throw into the veg room

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day 13 of flowering, they're growing like weeds and showing signs of being female. I just wish it was week 8 already

Amherst Sour Diesel

Bubba Kush

Bubba Kush


Well-Known Member
Ha, the stretch, then the hardest part, the waiting :( I'm seeing some bud sites developing, looking good!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think one of the Bubba Kushes is actually a Flo. The structure of the 2 are completely different, good chance the guy got the clones mixed up but I'm not complaining. The Amherst sour diesel is just now starting to get the hairs but the flower time on it is 9-10 weeks. I'm thinking that possibly vegging the other 2 Flos under the led for almost 4 weeks then throwing em under a t5 to veg may have stressed em a little bit, but they're peeking up better now

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Gave the younger Flo a haircut today, cut all the under growth out and have 14 nodes on her now. I don't plan on LSTing her anymore, just letting her grow straight up from where she's at and just pinning back any nodes that try to take over to keep a nice even canopy. The older flow isn't looking so hot now, I'm thinking the transplant messed with her some so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she makes a comeback. The rollitup app isn't letting me add pics so I'll throw some up once it's working or my internet comes back on

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Boredom and vast amounts of energy have led me to scrog the younger Flo, took a plastic storage container I had laying around, drilled holes every 2 inches, and threw in some small bungee cords I had.


Well-Known Member
well the Amherst Sour Diesel and the 2 Bubba Kush's are sitting at day 18 of flowering. They're sprouting up and filling out

Amherst Sour Diesel

Bubba Kush

The Bubba Kush I'm suspecting is a Flo

The younger Flo in veg is doing great but I'm uncertain about the older one in veg, she's not looking too peppy. The only thing that changed with it was me repotting it, everything else has remained the same as the younger flo yet the younger one is doing fantastic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I'm uncertain if she'll make a comeback

The younger Flo

The older Flo


Well-Known Member
Looking good hillbilly, other than the older flo, they're all looking healthy :) That third one is def not a BK and looks more like the flo. The older flo sure didn't like the transplant but if that was done recently give it a chance, they bounce back. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Ur girls are looking good man I hope the led does well thru flowering for ya really curious to see how it does...