56 Days into flowering...


Active Member
wuts up rollitup? just giving my weekly update on my first grow with some local
bagseed and some cfls. I fed them Age Old "Grow" and "Bloom" for most of the
grow, then later on I mixed in some FoxFarm nutes. 1 has been flowering for 56
days and she's looking good, and I didn't even get to pull any clones :( Anyway,
my NL x Skunk clones are vegging nice! They were 6 Inches when I got them only
2 weeks ago, trying to get them to 20-24" then I wanna top them. Shouldn't be
too hard, but I'm gonna watch a few more videos to make sure I do it right. I'm cutting
my girls down on New Years Eve to hang dry and see if I got some decent bag :)
Any advice is greatly appreciated!


how many, and what type of cfls did you use per plant in flowering? I am on my first grow and going to switch over to 12/12 in another week or so. What about pot size? yours are looking real good and id for sure follow up with whatever you did!


Active Member
:) Thanks bruh. I used 2 (68 watt) "cool" bulbs, 2 (68 watt) "warm" bulbs, and 2 (42 watt) "warm" bulbs. As for pot size, the girls that are budding are in 3gal pots
but I'm sticking to 2gal pots from now on for inside and 5gal pots for outside in the summer. My clones are in 2gal pots
:) Thanks bruh. I used 2 (68 watt) "cool" bulbs, 2 (68 watt) "warm" bulbs, and 2 (42 watt) "warm" bulbs. As for pot size, the girls that are budding are in 3gal pots
but I'm sticking to 2gal pots from now on for inside and 5gal pots for outside in the summer. My clones are in 2gal pots
right on! so 6 cfls per plant? I was planning on having two 68W (2700k) bulbs, four 23W (5000k) bulbs, and one 26W (3500k) bulb for my two plants. think that will produce a decent yield if all else goes well? they are in 2 gal pots right now. what are the dimensions of those 3 gal pots if you know! thanks for the help