55F-58F tap water direct to res for changeouts..too cold?


Well-Known Member
I've been doing some dry runs with some DWC buckets..water temps in the buckets are maintaining 65-68. My tap water is coming out around 55F. When i do my res changes will the temp difference, going from appx 68F to 55F, shock the plants? I've figured it will take about 2-3 hours for it to get over 60F, warming up from ambient room temps, in the buckets. I think larger/older plants will deal with it OK, but I'm concerned about younger plants and clones that aren't established.
Rain on crops in dirt has time to acclimate, roots aren't going from 65 to 55 instantly like changing a dwc bucket. But thanks anyway. Never mind, I'm setting up a holding tank.
I find a little drooping when i change the rez with cold water ( below the mid 50's). Nothing that doesn't perk back up within a few hours. Might be different for larger plants, dunno.
I don't know or remember where I got it from but 58 is my number,I like to keep it above 58.The younger plants grow faster with warmer temps.