550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos


Well-Known Member
Mine were also new. I got like 10 of the 3 gallon and 5 of the 5 gallon. I've found issues with a few others where the plastic just gets "stretched" rather than actually cracked and the screws won't hold. Not taking anything away from the effectiveness of Airpots, they're much better than regular pots, I just think Smartpots are better. And even if they were identical, the Airpots are such a little bitch to water. I can just slosh water into the Smartpots and they're good to go. My 2 cents!

Sorry I keep turning your thread into a pro Smartpots rant neworld. I also responded to your post over in LED Users Unite with some light height info

All good mate, I usually dip my air pots in a resevoir of the water/nutrients but I can see how some may complain about back problems quickly, each to their own I suppose.


Well-Known Member
That's actually not a bad idea. I drown my root zone a few days prior to harvest in a 5 gallon bucket that fits the Airpot perfectly. Never thought about giving it a dip for watering. That's why I love these forums. Makes me wanna run a side by side in 5 gallon Smart v Air with some SLH clones I'm gonna be cutting here in a couple weeks. That outta answer any questions we've got


Well-Known Member
That's good input there, take a bucket slightly bigger than the airpot and put the airpot in the bigger bucket then fill with water and when saturated pull it out....I would recommend to put aside the contents of the bucket as my res does show variance of PH and EC when I dip 20 plants in a single res. Already I can see it being cleaner and more efficient already.


Well-Known Member
From my experience I feel the .8 gallon airpots are the perfect size for up to 1month veg SOG plants or most autos. My first flowering with an LED had me way more impressed with the .8 gallon air pot plants than the 2 gallon air pot plants after 4 weeks veg 8-9 weeks 12/12. This time I vegged .8 gallon plants 2 months and I think that it too long. I'd give 4 weeks or less of veg for every gallon of airpot up to the 5 gallon **which obviously wouldn't take over a year to veg ;) )

I'm a bit lost, what are the specs on that plants history?

Are all 20 of the plants still alive and female?


Well-Known Member
From my experience I feel the .8 gallon airpots are the perfect size for up to 1month veg SOG plants or most autos. My first flowering with an LED had me way more impressed with the .8 gallon air pot plants than the 2 gallon air pot plants after 4 weeks veg 8-9 weeks 12/12. This time I vegged .8 gallon plants 2 months and I think that it too long.

I'm a bit lost, what are the specs on that plants history?
I totally agree that the 1ltr is great for the first month but flowering they really could have done with a bigger pot. I am happy though with the way they have turned out though for the size of pot they are in. They are greenomatics and that pic was week 6 from seed. The newest pics are in the album from today, end of week 7.