55 gallons of pudding


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

So me and my child have been discussing the idea of blowing up a 55 gallon plastic drum of chocolate pudding. The drum is easy enough to find, and the pudding isn't hard to find either, they sell 45 lbs boxes of pudding mix. I would need about 65 lbs of dry pudding mix and 30 or so gallons of milk (wonder if powdered milk would work?) to fill a 55 gallon drum.


i can get the payload put together just find, but i need some safe way of blowing it up. Black powder seems like a poor choice, Tannerite might work, we are thinking maybe some air based explosion??? anyway, thoughts?
Tannerite is the way to go! Mount 20 lbs at a fixed point in the middle of the barrel, and get a long ways away :).

20lbs seems like a lot, i can't personally speak from experience, but i watched someone blow up a ford bronco with 30lbs of it.
wait, is this my wife?

My real issue now is location. I am a city dweller, i need to find a spot where i can blow up drum of pudding.
Ride out of town to some rural area and find a willing land owner would be my opinion. Probably need to inform local authorities where ever you go and get permits.

I would also think 20lbs of charge in a closed container is overkill. If it's not sealed probably enough for a cool pudding geyser.
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

So me and my child have been discussing the idea of blowing up a 55 gallon plastic drum of chocolate pudding. The drum is easy enough to find, and the pudding isn't hard to find either, they sell 45 lbs boxes of pudding mix. I would need about 65 lbs of dry pudding mix and 30 or so gallons of milk (wonder if powdered milk would work?) to fill a 55 gallon drum.


i can get the payload put together just find, but i need some safe way of blowing it up. Black powder seems like a poor choice, Tannerite might work, we are thinking maybe some air based explosion??? anyway, thoughts?
If you dont make a video ill be sad
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

So me and my child have been discussing the idea of blowing up a 55 gallon plastic drum of chocolate pudding. The drum is easy enough to find, and the pudding isn't hard to find either, they sell 45 lbs boxes of pudding mix. I would need about 65 lbs of dry pudding mix and 30 or so gallons of milk (wonder if powdered milk would work?) to fill a 55 gallon drum.


i can get the payload put together just find, but i need some safe way of blowing it up. Black powder seems like a poor choice, Tannerite might work, we are thinking maybe some air based explosion??? anyway, thoughts?

Great thing teachin ur kid how to blow shit up, NOT

why? I can get a physics, cooking, chemistry and gun safety lesson all wrapped up in to one. Plus, if i posted a 55 gallon drum of pudding exploding, you know you would watch it. :)

interesting side note, for those of us who remember downloading the anarchists cookbook from our local BBS (look it up) there is a documentary on the guy who wrote it. Quite a story.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

So me and my child have been discussing the idea of blowing up a 55 gallon plastic drum of chocolate pudding. The drum is easy enough to find, and the pudding isn't hard to find either, they sell 45 lbs boxes of pudding mix. I would need about 65 lbs of dry pudding mix and 30 or so gallons of milk (wonder if powdered milk would work?) to fill a 55 gallon drum.


i can get the payload put together just find, but i need some safe way of blowing it up. Black powder seems like a poor choice, Tannerite might work, we are thinking maybe some air based explosion??? anyway, thoughts?
Make a a dry ice bomb in a small plastic soda bottle and bury in the middle of the pudding. Safer for you and the kid.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

So me and my child have been discussing the idea of blowing up a 55 gallon plastic drum of chocolate pudding. The drum is easy enough to find, and the pudding isn't hard to find either, they sell 45 lbs boxes of pudding mix. I would need about 65 lbs of dry pudding mix and 30 or so gallons of milk (wonder if powdered milk would work?) to fill a 55 gallon drum.


i can get the payload put together just find, but i need some safe way of blowing it up. Black powder seems like a poor choice, Tannerite might work, we are thinking maybe some air based explosion??? anyway, thoughts?

yes your kid will always rem this

but a gas system to do this would be very costly......u basic want a high psi cannon (tho it would be cool to do it safe with one of those u are talking specialized valve fitting and wielding plus a compressor ability to do those pressures)
go tannerite

depending on the effect u want (barrel going bomb or barrel acting like mortar launcher )
mortar launcher simplest .......the guy had it right take the 10-15 lbs mix it up in one big jar/bag and use a cinderblock to rest it on in the barrel before u fill with pudding (should be in lower 1/3 of barrel for this one)

to make the barrel go boom u need the top capped off other wise not booming ........to make it go right u need to score the inside of the barrel (ideally u want even cut from bottom to top on the side walls the thinner u make the sections the more spread i got 1 and half inches between cuts and leave one section with about 8 inches untouched ) .....set it up so the 8 inches u did not score is where u are shooting into.......hang 20 lbs of tannerite in the dead center ....cap the barrel set cameras up move back 30 yards and hit it to watch the boom (if u did it right the pudding should go out in about 270 300degree but u are safe to walk up from where u were shooting thanks to 8 inches )

tannerite is impacted driven ........once u mix it u are going to need something with a kick shotgun 1600fps slug or a rifle (i honestly do not think a 9mm has the power to set it off going tho pudding )...a bow and arrow would work but mean u would be 20 25yards to ensure the impact is enough tho all that pudding

just rem this is a milk product so the smell of what is left over is going to be god awlful with in a few hours or days .......adjust where u are going to do this using known wind patterns ( can aim a attack on assholes nose or advoid it from going into anyones nose).......if u can try near worst case u can use a pump in the water allowing u to spray down the area ( would not use garden hose from own well u are talking 100s of gallons to wash area off hence river or lake ....water will return once passed tho ground or ran into )

and blackpowder would work too .......u would need far less to do the same effect ......the trick is making the container dense enough to hold back the explosion for a few mil secs to allow it all to combust but not so dense u have shrapnel