55 days into 12/12. Good Pics


Active Member
Its been 55 days since 12/12. I started watering with only plain water 8 days ago thinking I was close. She has produced alot in the last 2 weeks. Some leave have started turing yellow and brown at the tips. Is this because I stoped giving nutes? Also what is the proper way to flush? Any advice is welcome, this is my first grow.



Well-Known Member
ya no nutes
u should have keep giveing it them
till like the 8 1/2 week cuase it takes around 9 to 10 weeks for flowering
keep feeding till like near the end then flush so all that stuff u wont taste when harvisting


Active Member
Thanks guys this is my first grow so I have know idea. I hope maybe an oz. Shes only like 18-20 inch tall . I am using organic MG soil. They look almost done to me. Will the keep growing then start to stop or what? Is the only way to tell by the trichs? Thanks