Thanks for all the kind words

Everything is going fine, I have roughly 50 more days to go...
About the feeding system, it is the simplest thing to build.
1.Just go out and buy an aquarium water pump, the one which sends water from sump to the aquarium, you dont need a powerful one, but do not get the weakest, actually this depends on how many plants you re planning to feed.
2.Get a water container (reservoir), I got a coolbox, so that the water temp is not effected too much by the growroom.
3.Buy some aquarium ducting, it is called soft pipe.
4.Then there is the terminal(every aquarium shop I ve been named this differently), it is basically where one inlet goes in and is divided into any number of outlets you like, I got a modular one of 5 outlets as I have 5 plants to feed.
5.The the timer for controlling the equipment.
This is all the equipment you need to buy.
a.Now put the pump inside the container,
b.connect a pipe coming out of it,
c.drill a hole on top of the reservoir, take the pipe out of it.
d.Connect that pipe to the terminal you have. I fixed the terminals on top of the reservoir with double sided 3m so it is not moving around.
e.Then connect your pipes to the end of the terminals. The terminals have a control on top each to control the amount of water passing through. Adjust them so equal amount of water goes through them.
f.Connect the pumps ac into your timer
g.Fill your reservoir with your feeding water, and do not start the pump without any water.
this is it!
Control how it works, This is important. Like I took 5 water bottles each 1liters. Put the timer on half an hour, and checked how much it filled. I can make two half an hour feeds and feed 1 liters of water to each pot. This is actually the most important stage, the calibration, be careful and spendd enough time on this until you are 100percent satisfied and sure it works like a dream.
I hope it helps, if you have any questions just ask.