50'x100' build

Been growing in OK for 2 1/2 years now. Im gonna have to agree with @Renfro on this one. Oklahoma is absolutely saturated. I would think long and hard about investing. We see growers folding all the time because there are so many, and they can't move any product. Prices are plummeting. We are getting half of what we used to at the beginning just to move it... and still have a hard time at that. Not trying to crush a dream, but it really is flooded out here.
Been growing in OK for 2 1/2 years now. Im gonna have to agree with @Renfro on this one. Oklahoma is absolutely saturated. I would think long and hard about investing. We see growers folding all the time because there are so many, and they can't move any product. Prices are plummeting. We are getting half of what we used to at the beginning just to move it... and still have a hard time at that. Not trying to crush a dream, but it really is flooded out here.
Yeah the time for getting into the game in OK is past. Now they are thinning the heard, anyone that can't produce the best quality at the lowest price and still make money is pretty much screwed. In this game when a new state opens up you get in fast, bank that cash while the prices are high and build an infrastructure that is cost efficient so you can compete when the prices drop or even better have an early exit strategy, build up, bang out profit crops for a year and a half then sell out to a bigger operation.
Yeah the time for getting into the game in OK is past. Now they are thinning the heard, anyone that can't produce the best quality at the lowest price and still make money is pretty much screwed. In this game when a new state opens up you get in fast, bank that cash while the prices are high and build an infrastructure that is cost efficient so you can compete when the prices drop or even better have an early exit strategy, build up, bang out profit crops for a year and a half then sell out to a bigger operation.
thanks for all the concerns on the business side of it, we've thought about all these issues and still fell this is our best way to get our foot in the game, we plan on federal regulation happening in the next few years and there's no really easier place to get your foot in the game, no matter where you go the competition will be heavy. We're not greedy and understand the market is saturated, so like I said earlier and like you've reiterated as long as we grow good quality weed and focus on spreading the health not the wealth we will be fine. We've pretty much made our minds up on OK now we just have to do our best to make it happen, that's why I came here looking for suggestions and ideas to hopefully give us a fighting chance.
We happen to be lucky enough to get in on the day the law passed here, and had the capital to do our buildout in time for the legal seed in soil date. We’ve reinvested into our grow after every crop, and have no debt or investors. ... and I still think we can survive a good living for a while longer, but there’s gonna come a day that it just don’t make sense anymore. We have over 6700 growers licensed with the State. That’s more than California, Washington, and Oregon combined.
We happen to be lucky enough to get in on the day the law passed here, and had the capital to do our buildout in time for the legal seed in soil date. We’ve reinvested into our grow after every crop, and have no debt or investors. ... and I still think we can survive a good living for a while longer, but there’s gonna come a day that it just don’t make sense anymore. We have over 6700 growers licensed with the State. That’s more than California, Washington, and Oregon combined.
I do appreciate all the concerns definitely valid points being brought up, Question outta them 6700 growers how many of them are actually good at growing? Not saying I am, but I do believe the actually true competition to be way smaller then 6700, and as long as I can get my rooms dialed in with the right genetics I don't see why I cant yield 80-120 units per room 5 times a year. that's 800-1200 units so even at low ball prices we can still see a profit, plus I'm only doing designing the indoor facility, we will also have 2-3 40x100ft greenhouses for the deps.
We happen to be lucky enough to get in on the day the law passed here, and had the capital to do our buildout in time for the legal seed in soil date. We’ve reinvested into our grow after every crop, and have no debt or investors. ... and I still think we can survive a good living for a while longer, but there’s gonna come a day that it just don’t make sense anymore. We have over 6700 growers licensed with the State. That’s more than California, Washington, and Oregon combined.
Also your place is awesome, been following your posts for a while now
Also may I point out the investors are already dead set on OK, I'm just getting paid to grow for them, my invest is my time and the fact I'm uprooting my life to move from Chicago to OK to run it. I'd be an idiot not to take this opportunity!!! That's why I'm trying to plan it to the best of my ability, I get paid regardless if it sells or not, but I would obviously like to make sure we don't run into that problem by growing the best bud possible that's why i came to this forum for advice. There are many people who have taken this journey and I'm just looking for as much advice as possible i really do appreciate all the concerns on the business end but I'm just trying to focus on me doing my best to deliver the best product possible and let them worry about moving it
Also your place is awesome, been following your posts for a while now
Thanks man!. Out of the 6700ish growers, .... hell, I don't know. But just cut that in half, it's still a ton of growers. Current prices for light dep grows are $800-$1200... I just talked to a Dispo owner yesterday, and she won't even buy hoop house/light dep weed. Good quality indoor is going for $1800-$2200 tops. Not sure if it's because there's mega tons of of outdoor still on the shelves or what. I see Dispos trying to carry 130 strains, and that's just bad inventory management. You're gonna lock people up with that many choices and your shit is gonna go bad sitting on the shelf. Last June we didn't have a problem moving 27lbs in 7 business days at $2400 a unit. But like right now, we can't hardly get a sniff of good indoor at $1600. The Metro areas are even worse... SE Oklahoma seems to have the strongest buyers, I think because OKC, Tulsa are super saturated.
And your taxed on that?
We pay tax (Federal mind you) at roughly 30% on all income. Then we have to pay the State Tax, yearly renewal fees, OSBI background checks 2 times a year, OBNDD fees every year, transportation agent licenses every year, disposal fees (does not apply to us, as we are not in the city limits)... but yeah.. everybody's got their hand out.
Thanks man!. Out of the 6700ish growers, .... hell, I don't know. But just cut that in half, it's still a ton of growers. Current prices for light dep grows are $800-$1200... I just talked to a Dispo owner yesterday, and she won't even buy hoop house/light dep weed. Good quality indoor is going for $1800-$2200 tops. Not sure if it's because there's mega tons of of outdoor still on the shelves or what. I see Dispos trying to carry 130 strains, and that's just bad inventory management. You're gonna lock people up with that many choices and your shit is gonna go bad sitting on the shelf. Last June we didn't have a problem moving 27lbs in 7 business days at $2400 a unit. But like right now, we can't hardly get a sniff of good indoor at $1600. The Metro areas are even worse... SE Oklahoma seems to have the strongest buyers, I think because OKC, Tulsa are super saturated.
we will be in the antlers area, and we can see a profit even at $1000 on the indoors if we have everything dialed in
We pay tax (Federal mind you) at roughly 30% on all income. Then we have to pay the State Tax, yearly renewal fees, OSBI background checks 2 times a year, OBNDD fees every year, transportation agent licenses every year, disposal fees (does not apply to us, as we are not in the city limits)... but yeah.. everybody's got their hand out.
Holy fuck....... You must have only 3 employees?
If you make $100,000 in sales for a grow, you'll walk away with about half of that after paying everyone, and expenses to do the grow.