50mg tramadol hcl


Well-Known Member
yes they are good if you are the type of person they work for. if you've gotten to the point of 2 750's (vicodin) or more per dose then a tramidol isnt going to do much. they are very weak if you have any tolerance at all. THEY ARE ABOUT IMPOSSIBLE TO QUIT TAKING. the withdrawal that comes with tramidol is the heavyest I've ever experienced out of a fair few. the just aches and pains and unsuredness about everything is nuts. nothing works right without it. its not just like opiate withdrawal its like opiate withdrawal with sand in your eyes and shit for brains lol. it sucks. DONT let yourself take more then 2 at a time every 3-4 hours and you will be ok.

if your one of the persons they work for then IMO they are the best day to day pain relief you can find. i take them on the regular just 1 or 2 here and there and it takes the edge off of a number of maladies I have from years past. doesn't take the pain away... but makes it bare able.

it will absolutely kill your appetite too and can cause bad nausea if taken on an empty stomach in the morning. can make for low blood sugar and feinting spells if you dont keep an eye on caloric intake.

DO NOT MIX IT WITH CAFFEINE. it gets abused by people alot of the times this way. take a shitload and chug some red bulls AND HAVE A SEIZURE. look it up caffeine plus tramidol equal very high chance at having a seizure. it can cause ticks and all kinds of annoying issues. you can get some very very slight speeder effects almost like an adderall buzz if you take a bunch and mix caffeine in but this is what kids do who have never done drugs. its like saying you can almost have an LSD trip with cough syrup.... NOT EVEN CLOSE if you know whats up. caffeine and tramidol is just a bad deal. the buzz is pretty well non existent compared to the risk.

hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
No need to CWE as they don't have any acetaminophen in them.
As far as what HGK420 mentions about the withdrawal that's because they act like SSRIs as well. Look up SSRI cessation syndrome (the fancy name they give withdrawal for them because withdrawal would mean they were addictive) to learn about just how nasty they are.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up on the wd, not somthing I'd like to go through again..haven't taken any opiates in prolly a month so maybe I'll just take a couple n see how it goes


Well-Known Member
o right on I've never seen the 319 ones. i get the round ones most of the time but they go a different set of numbers. the generic ones are like $36 for a script when the name brand football ones are like $550..... lol


Well-Known Member
My dogs were given Tramadol when they got spayed...I was told they are non-narcotic, but have similar properties in their action to an opioid.


Well-Known Member
Eh, tramadol... I was scripted this after I had an injection of it in the past (by the way, it ain't in the arm!). First time I had it IM, it worked really well. So I asked for a script to cycle off other opioid medications. It isn't really like what most people that enjoy opiates such as hydrocodone or the like. It does seem to have some therapeutic properties to relieve pain. Now the down side. I was scripted only two 50 mg a day. First day went well, second day was fine too. Now the third day I awoke to what can only be described as pure agony. I had a massive, throbbing headache. Every muscle and bone was aching, quickly cycling to hot and cold. I couldn't keep anything down, vomiting all morning while experiencing vertigo. It passed once I could get 25 mg of tramadol down. Called the doctor and she said to stop taking it immediately, that I was experiencing the odd serotonin syndrome. Not fun at all. I always caution people to be careful with it, as it can also induce seizures and have the experience I went through.


Well-Known Member
They usually get me off really good for one day. After that, they lose almost all of their potency, it's weird.


Well-Known Member
I just think people should tread carefully with it. It certainly isn't like most opiates (as it isn't an opiate), and has the ability for some nasty side effects. The seizure warning Large doses shouldn't be ignored