500 Watt Closet. STOKED!


Active Member
Holy crap! I had to log on to see this grow. I just had to. All those fertilizers and it looks like ditchweed.

Everybody is telling you it's the lights. It's the lights.

I get mine as close as possible. If I get a little burn on one of those big old fan leaves, I am about right. Just a tiny bit of tan and then back off a red cunt hair (RCH).

How is the air circulating? These small grow areas need only a hole at the bottom and a hole at the top, preferable on the other side.

Is there any drainage? Maybe you have standing water?

The roots go from big to small to tiny, to really tiny, and even smaller than that. If you took a microscope to a healthy potted (heh heh she said potted) plant you'd see the whole thing was one big matrix of tiny root hairs. Those hairs dry out they die, those hairs are too wet they rot.

No fertilizer for you. Ever! Go out and get a couple of earthworms and put them in your soil. The reason it is called a weed is 'cause it'll grow anywhere.

Water in the morning. Pick up the pot and feel how much it weighs. Pick it up tomorrow, the difference in weight is how much water was used. Replace the difference every couple of days. Get all Zen with when and how much. Grasshopper, wax on then wax off.