5 years - - Was it worth it?


Well-Known Member
why the hell would we fight china. we'll loose. we could wipe out half their population and they'd thank us. they could send people over in canues and still beat us
lol i was going to say that too, didnt george carlin say that, I cant remember, I know Ive heard it before though


Active Member
war is never won it is lost by both or all parties. its not about right and wrong its about power and money. the "right" outcome for that war or any war does not exist, only death. the only perpose war has is to attempt to controll the growth of the population so we don't overcrowd the planet. No war is "worth it" when looked at from a simple politition or countries view point. but every war is "worth it" in the sceme of everything. war is our only natural preditor on land, therefore it is needed.
this is one conception of why we have wars ie: The Great War ! we lost millions on our planet by sticking men in trenches a few feet from each other but dont forget we the people are better educated we dont believe in queen and country and all that bullshit, we won the war and look at the state we let the world get into instead of one Hitler we got loads of mini ones, the biggest one today is BUSH! he only went to iraq cos his daddy got his ass kicked over there the 1st time and now look at what hes doing they order their soldiers to kill and when they kill they (our goverments) court martial them hypocritical B@st@rds think about it ppl ,peace to all man kind :peace: :joint::cry: