5 white widow 10 critical mass autoflowers first time


Hey guys first time
Growing indoors
Always done outdoors with a friend until recently when he left for the army.... as you can see I'm
Doing 15 autoflowers there in germantion at the min I just had the light on for the pic but they go into them pots
Tomorrow and stay there till
The end I'm
Using 2 hps bulbs 600watt any help
Anyone has would
Be great I went andbroght that extractor fan today as I intended to increase grow
Size of all


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Looking good so far.. what strain/s are they and what info are you specifically looking for.? Watch you don't bring bugs or spider mites from outside when you bring them indoors again.. happy growing
Hey mate there white widow and critical mass brought from
Seeds and what do
You mean when I bring them from outside
To indroos? They will be staying indoors the entire time on 18 hours as autos will
Change them selves and one bit of info I could do with is have I brought the right Feed and when I put the seeds into them
POTs how far away should my 2 600watt lights be should I use one and keep it on 250? As I have a digital ballast
My seeds are ready to go into them pots tomorrow morning all seeds are ready
Fk just noticed your title stating the strains.. anyway I'd keep the lights abt 3ft away from the start and then you'll be able to adjust accordingly as the plants grow... good luck and happy growing
So 2 lights on 600watt 3 foot away isn't that to much light for seedlings I could be wrong and I'm
Gonna water my soil
Tongigjt ready for tomorrow then turn light on and put seeds in yeah? Sorry if I sound like a noob
Yeah start at that n see how the seedlings take to it and adjust as necessary.. in fact (after another look at your pics) they (lights) look just about where I'd start from.. happy growing
Thanks bro your a legend I'm
There on two lights at 600watt from
3-4 foot at seedlings see how they do I can't kill
Can I haha stupid
Question just didn't know if the light would be to much but if you say 1200watt on 15 seedlings I shall
Do so bro
Could always try the one 600w moved into middle 1st and see how that does or til they're used to the light then switch on the other 600 too.. what's your air-intake/exhaust like.?
Ps. Just noticed that you can dim to 250w is that on both lights.? If so then lower both to 250 for a week or two and raise your lights as/when needed. Good luck and happy growing
What I'll
Do is I'll turn one down to 250wAtt the other 600watt can't be turned down or upped to super lieum like that one so
Hopefully it won't be to much on them 3-4
Foot away... my air in take out take?? Right this is where I may have messed up I hope not tho.... I brought that extractor fan today for 140 quid with the duc tin stuff that's leading out the grow tent out a window at the back
Of my house where no
One is then I just have a big fan sat on the floor is that correct??? I bloody hope so as they go in tomorrow
When you are first cracking the seeds they need to stay fairly wet, I use a humidity dome and peat pucks then plant in the pots after they are all cracked and have started growing.
i normally use a t5 for light for the first few weeks if im just doing a couple and keep it just a couple of inches from the plants to keep stretching to a minimum
Thanks mate what's happened is the seeds
With wet towel method rootle was about 3-5mm so planted into
Canna soil in the pots they will stay in ive put my light to 250wAtt its hps and leaving it on the entire time
Till they pop
Up is that right? If I've fucked it up I'm gutted
Guy said quick bit of help
Needed there in 11litre pots how much water should I have giving as there only seeds with a baby root I have half a litre to each pot is that right fuck
I hope
So I don't wanna drown them and think I have it's only
Cous there under 250wAtt light and didn't want it to dry up
Over night someone please help
THE lights 3 n half foot away
How are your seedlings now..? Keep your soil moist - DON'T water them too much.. if you lift pot when watered-feel the weight, then you'll know by lifting pot/s if they're dry or still wet/moist. Post a pic of your set-up n show us how your garden grows. ;-)
Happy growing
Edit; let one side @250w and other @600w & see if any difference between the plants under both.?! Good luck bud..
Hey Mate means a lot your Intrested at the minute I've had some worries with watering my seedlings but we're now on the 34th hour after the seedlings were potted and put under one 250wAtt 3 foot away 9 of the 15 have already come through pics at the bottom now thIs is we're I'm worried shouldn't they all
Be up at the the same time???) humidity is 68% drops to 58% when I put extractor fan and guess what stupid me forgot I needed an exhaust fan to push fresh air In so gotta buy one of them
Today but anyways thanks mate and any extra help
Would be great I have noticed tho all the seeds that have sprouted are all the ones directly under the light apart from
One the lIght hasn't been switched off


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@Ben2191 your better watering round the sides of your pots (encourages roots to spread)& just water as needed under plants .. swap sum that HAVE germed with the ones still to pop under your 250w or stick your lights to maybe 400w. Btw when you get your input fan make sure your not blowing directly on to your plants. So far so good , are you keeping your light on 24/7 .. Thought you were gonna give em 18/6 light.?! Either way you'll get there in the end.. kp us updated mt..
Happy growing