5 weeks into flower, what's your opinion?


Active Member
Organic grow in 5 gallon pots with ocean forest soil.
Recipe 420 recharge 6-8-4
G&B simples fish bone meal 3-18-0
E.B. Stone Sul-Po-Mag 0-0-20(npk)-- 20-10-21 Po-Mag-Sul
Tap water that has sat and daily circulated and aerated. Ph7.2
Watering every Wednesday and Sunday 8-17 fluid oz. Depending. Since flower been watering 8 fluid oz on Friday and 17 fluid oz on other two days.

Temp and humidity staying around 80°f and 55-58%h. Slightly cooler at night sometimes.
Mars hydro 1000 @100% and 18-19 inches away

Middle older leaf that I took off last night and put in a Dixie cup until I dug it out and unfolded it. What do you think the problem is?



Active Member
I watered last night first thing when I opened tent. Then after watering I looked over plants and noticed just a little on the three plants. Didn't think much of it just pulled a couple off and left a couple. Closed the tent up and went bed. But then considered options.. instead of waiting till it's to late.
and that was one of the tests I want to try. ( Keep It Real). Thank you.
I did a mini test of my water and the three amendments. 8 fluid ounces of water and a dash of the three to be about exact, shook it up real good and the pH was 6.3 instead of my tap water of 7.4.

But for sure in a couple of days on my next watering I will water till alot more runoff and test the plants medium pH. Been trying to keep the runoff to zero(been working so far).
Wedding cake strain.