5 weeks into flower. What do you think? (PICS)


Well-Known Member
hey guys this is my first succesful grow in the UK.

i have 4 bagseed that are 5 weeks into flower. i think i have 3 indicas and one sativa.

everything is going well. what you think?

this is plant No1: going really well! my best one. think it will be done in 2-3 weeks? what you think?
this is plant No2: this one is doing really well too. it seems to have really dense nugs compared to the other one. maybe its a bit more in front? looks more behind to me?
this is plant No3: i might be harvesting this one soon. its because i can see loads of pistils that have died and sweling of the buds. and i think this one is more like 3 weeks into flowering which is too early for swelling? i can see seeds coming up all over, so im thinking of cutting on the weekend and just makeing some hash out of this one. what do use think? or should i let it grow? just fearing it might pollinate my others somehow. havent seen a ball/pollen sack in sight. WEIRD?
this is plant No4: i think this is a sativa because it is so tall and strechy and also it has been in flower for 5 weeks (streched like anything) and still hasnt got formed buds. just whispy with loads of pistils. i dont no if this will make it through september and october though. hopefully it will pull through. if i remember rightly aswell this was some thai aswell :)

so guys what do you think?

easy, peace:joint:

EDIT: this is A group photo from be bedroom window. theres is one tiny one that i didnt mention. i ripped the roots out right at the very beginning and i didnt think it would make it. it still looks in bad shape but acctualy isnt haha. been budding wikid just tiny not even half the size of any of the others. i rekon ill get about 6-8 grams if im lucky. maybe more maybe less, who knows?




Well-Known Member
lookin healthy bro buds gettin fat. id let them all go another 3 weeks atleast. how they smellin? +rep
thanks man. thats what i was thinking. give them another 3 weeks or so. the smel isnt that strong yet, but if you get close you can smell it, smells really sweet and a bit spicy. i love the smell. i just hope its gets a bit stronger, i think it should do in the coming weeks. nearly finished my 5th week now :) hopeing for an ounce of each one. do you think it will happen? if so, il be sorted for a couple of months.

did you grow these outside?
yea dude, they have all been grown outside since the end of may. about may 28th. they should have been bigger but i didnt use big enough buckets, only 4 gallons, would have been nice for them all to get bigger. ah wel we all learn from our mistakes. its not that bad. im hopeing for about an ounce a plant, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
do you think i could take a sample off? or is it to early? i kinda dont want to beacuse i want the end product to be perfect, but at the same time ireally wanna just have alittle try. if i did decide to, is it worth it? and will it stress her out at all?



Well-Known Member
do you think i could take a sample off? or is it to early? i kinda dont want to beacuse i want the end product to be perfect, but at the same time ireally wanna just have alittle try. if i did decide to, is it worth it? and will it stress her out at all?


Dont touch your buds! Ive tryed it on one of my plants (6 weeks into flowering) and it didnt even give me a head high, no buzz in the slightest!! Its not worth it and sets your plant back stressing it if you pick at it enough....... heres one at 6 weeks flowering which i regret touching:cry:, shes like a raped cabbage down below....:roll:


Well-Known Member
yea i proberly wont touch them then. il just wait. il be happier with the end product! :). your girl is looking nice by what i can see. looks really nice and fat! :D. have you harvested that one, or is it still on the go?

easy e


Well-Known Member
thats wikid man. im looking at another 3-4 weeks. i rekon 3 to be honest. maybe a little bit longer. nearly finished my 5th week. your like a week ahead of me lol :D

peace bro