5 weeks into flower and power failure causing revegging


Well-Known Member
Well yall looks like mother nature can be a bitch even indoors!! To start with I have 6 different genetics I'm running on a trial basis, mostly hybrids with more sativa than indica, and all of them have been flowering from 5-7 weeks. I work out of town for a week or so at a time and when I returned home to do the weekly routine maintenance I noticed that my light was on earlier than usual?? Upon further investigation I find that my digital timer, with a battery back up in case this very fucking incident happened, was reset. WTF? My 1000w had been on 24/0 now what I assume for at least 5 days, and my 600w has a built in timer so its was still 12/12<<last big storm we had come through the area. So I start inspecting the garden and all most every hybrid I have is starting to reveg. Well fuck, they had just started to swell and now they have spindle single blade tops to them. WTF should I do or is there anything I can do? I've revegged plants after harvest on purpose but never have had this problem this late into flowering. Any advice/suggestions are very appreciated. Thanks and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
Id just try to throw em back into flower. I feel like its the only thing you can do. They might herm either way but at least on the off chance that they don't and you throw them back into flower they might be salvageable.


Active Member
Ive heard alot of people talking about cloning and that they flower there plants to sex them and send there mother back into a veg stage by switching back to 24 hour light. Someone with experience with this might have more insight but i think the should be fine no matter what you do. Good Luck

Cali chef

New Member
Sorry to hear the bad news my friend but i also had this happen with my current grow not as dramatic but my ballast crapped out on me and i did not have the funds to get a new one, this went on for a week and i would put the plants near the window and try to get a few ours of light but with work i dont get home until most of the sun has passed. they all stopped growing and one strted to look like a hermie... but i in all the moving i broke a few main branches and that set her back even worse... i finally got the ballast replaced got the schedule back underway........ bam my power gets disconnected.....wtf....... found out my roomate had got a few extensions on the bill and they finally came and shut it off. this went on for over a week and again i resorted to the window. but after all that this is her as of today. she still has 3-4 weeks and harvest wont be sizeable but i think they will be dense nugs and potent!?? but as the others said just switch em back into a 12/12 and take care of them if they are screwed up i think you will know, plus plus what i was getting at with my long winded story was they are extremely ressiliant plants and can bounce back really well!! good luck sir!



Well-Known Member
Damn Cali sounds like the Pot gods weren't on your side at all, well I'm glad to hear you at least are gonna get to harvest something anyway. It sux 5 months of due diligence and hard work can get fucked up so easily. The even shittier thing is I just won the battle against spider mites and now this!! Anyway thanks for the replies, Good Luck and keep em' green till ya chop em' down!!!