5 weeks into flower and i dont think she is going to make it :/



Fan leaves are turning cripsy, im currently running cfls( raised them up to take pic) and the lights you see. I have a fan and a heater that keeps it around 75. Possible light leaks(tv on at night) I got scared they were going to die and harvested one branch(way to early). NEED ADVICE i have 150w HPS thats going to be here soon.


Same 3 part nutes, i did notice i have been feeding her too much when refilling the reservoir. For every gallon she lost i replaced full strength nutes, could this be the problem?


New Member
no more nutes. let the soil become bone dry, then give her a small drink of water, then let the soil dry. itll come back. nutes lower the ph a lot, sometimes down to ~5. they have buffers in them. watereing with tap water which is ~6-7 will do her good.


no more nutes. let the soil become bone dry, then give her a small drink of water, then let the soil dry. itll come back. nutes lower the ph a lot, sometimes down to ~5. they have buffers in them. watereing with tap water which is ~6-7 will do her good.
no soil hydrophonics but thanks for the advice!


Active Member
Brother... DWC is simple, keep PPMs proper for your nutes & plant and keep PH 5.8-6.4 strips actually do work ok... I would recommend emptying your bucket and fill it with straight water. give it a day or two to flush.


Thanks! first thing 2ma morn, where can i get a ppm meter for cheap? i know amazon has them for a pretty reasonable amount


Active Member
local grow shops typically care some cheapies for $30, quickest thing there is. otherwise HM Digital is a cheap one for quick use, dont expect years of use, but will work great for something cheap. I used one for about 7 months before upgrading.


Brother... DWC is simple, keep PPMs proper for your nutes & plant and keep PH 5.8-6.4 strips actually do work ok... I would recommend emptying your bucket and fill it with straight water. give it a day or two to flush.
You saved my plant, thanks for the advice. I was nute burning them sooo bad.. They are loving the 150 W HPS also!