5 Weeks from seed, Leaf problems..

looks like you have a potassium deficiency, add some potassium. If that doesnt help then i think your soil is too compact i cant really get a good look at it but it looks very dense which and doesnt have very good drainage, that can suffocate the roots which might have also over nuted them, because of the absence of the perlite of soil in the final soil mixture, the nutrients will be more concentrated. the perlite delimits the concentration of nutrients as well as providing drainage.

in essence yes some of those pictures had nute burned plants, you might have other things to check though.


Kool thanks for the quick reply, For the potassium def could I mash some bananas with water in a blender?


The medium is 1/3 miracle grow and 2/3 Earth gro top soil I heard miracle grow burned em so I tryed to stay away, I'm using miracle grow fert as well water soluble plant food, 24-8-16. I would like to try Organic for my second grow though. This was more of a budget type thing.


I ended up flushing the soil, then altogether re potting em. There doing alot better and I foliage feed em with garden lime cause i think the nitro burn gave me a calcium def.


Well-Known Member
With growing marijuana its best to ease on the side of caution when it comes to neutrients and soil.

I've found with seedlings in small pots putting in too much perlite you can get caught off guard if you miss a day watering them and they dry out and die quick, but if you use a little less and ONLY use water when you transplant into the larger pots put the perlite right to it so the roots are searching for water. Usually about 1/4 perlite will do good in the final soil mix.

Get a PPM meter to see how much for nutrients is in your water and only SLOWLY add them in when doing a soil grow, and don't go above 700-800PPM, that's about as high as you want to go towards the middle of your flowering cycle, dont be confused by hydro systems that use a much higher concentration of 1000-1200.

Also mix in worm castings or blood meal in your soil to give your plants all the N they will need, so you can focus on the other nutrients.

Good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
looks like over-watering. Let the pot completely dry out before watering again. Straight water should be fine for awhile. If you over water you will have same problem no matter the nutrient line up.

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
Good luck in the future. MG is very easy to pick up when you dont live close to gardening or hydroshops. It has its advantages and its downsides

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i believe you fertilize too often - every 7 - 10 days at minimum with 1/4 to 1/2 strength


Well-Known Member
how long you been vegging? If you're using soil that has nutrient content it can take a month for your plant to use up what's already there. I use some MG organic but that stuff is super thick. I mix it down 50% or better with perlite. Just make sure its draining properly. Less is more when it comes to anything in a bottle and indoor gardening.