5 Weeks Flowering - First Grow - 400Watt HPS


Hi guy's, this is my first time growing.. i'm using random seed "assuming its sativa" and i was curious how much longer i have of flowering? also, my plant doesn't seem to be very frosty yet, when will this occur? I'm afraid ive wasted my time with this plant due to the lack of Thc "or at-least from what i can see."


Active Member
How long has she been flowering? Sativas take alot, I mean A LOT of patience. You could be looking at upwards of 14 weeks flower time depending on your lighting. You've still got a ways to go.


Well-Known Member
That claw leaf you got going....flush your medium and back off of the nitrogen.

Sativas dont always get all that frosty. Indicas look like they took a sugar shower.


Well-Known Member
Some sativas takes up to 16 weeks. Normally they finish within 3 1/2 month. patience grasshopper. and props to spandy regarding nitrogen overdose. sativas are more prone to burns from nitrogen


Some sativas takes up to 16 weeks. Normally they finish within 3 1/2 month. patience grasshopper. and props to spandy regarding nitrogen overdose. sativas are more prone to burns from nitrogen
I will be sure to flush, i was thinking she needed N due to my yellowing leaves... guess i was wrong. And that is hella long. Was hoping she would be done in the next 3 weeks.
Thanks for the help.