5 Strains TW-LACon-NL-Havana-Rocklock


Active Member
Hey Fellow Growers:weed:

I am somewhat a Hash Connoisseur, and turn 90% of my grows into nothing but wonderful hash, ( Sifted&Pressed And BubbleHash ) . But i also keep a few nuggets for those special days...
My grows usually only consist of 4-8 plants, and do to the endless choices of some fantastic strains, its somewhat rare for me to grow a strain more then once. Im always looking to try somthing new (expanding my tastes)

This time around i have 5 great strains i am growing, i have not grown these strains before, and they are!

Trainwreck - By GreenHouseSeeds
LA Confidential - DNA Genetics
NorthernLights - Nirvana
Havana - Smok'nSeeds
RockLock - DNA Genetics

Soil Grown
600 Hps

Vegged 29 days
Pictures taken around end of Week 1 of Flowering

1. Trainwreck - GHS - Feminized

I would have to say that this plant is a beaut, very fine sharp leaves with a nice light/moderate green shade to them, it had from a very early stage day 14 a very high odor, very punchent... its growth was very stable the internode spacing was spot on, and built up very fast threw veg, pre-flowers showed at 25 days in, this plant takes to LST very well, i would go out on a limb, and say this TW leans towards a Sativa Pheno. From the switch to 12/12 she has picked up the pace in growth making it a bit hard to keep her in check ( LST ) i have found that the branches are a bit lanky, and can see that as time goes along theres gonna be need for support.

Overall Thoughts Thus Far:
Growth is exellent very lush
Easy/Moderate on LST
Branching a bit lankyer then i would like
Very Strong Odor.




Active Member
2. LA Confidential - DNAGenetics - Feminized

I would have to say that this plant is the most intriging plant i have yet to grow, somewhere in the crossbreeding of this girl there must have been a Rubber/Cactus plant in the mix J/K. She has without a doubt the darkest green/black leaves in my grow, as well as the thickest, she seems to put a ton of effort in building very complex thick stems/branches, the internodes are well spaced, but do to the fact she is so thick, she is a slow builder ( in terms of height&pushing out branches), putting all her energy in building very think nubs (branches) before they even pull out. In the grow i kept scratching my head because, LST was not going to work simply her stock was to fat and sturdy, also do to her short nature i didnt and dont believe topping her would have made it better, my thought was it would have hinded her. So after somethought i decied to use garbage ties and tie those thick leaves up, and pull out the thick branches the best i could, i believe that this was the way to go, and thus far i can see that it was, I did some background on this plant as i do with all the plants i will be growning and, i believe my method is working very well, getting her to pullup and getting those branches somthing to climb for. She has a heavy odor not as bad as the TW but close, her preflowers didnt really show till just before the switch, i am only aware that there are 2 types of pheno since there is very little grows on her im not sure to which she is pulling but i would say shes pulling a heavy indica, she's definitely a very intresting plant,

Overall Thoughts Thus Far:
Growth is very slow (she grows fat before moving to the next stage)
Not good at all on LST ( I dont think topping is any better) Very tuff plant to tie)
Heavy Odor.
Not for the faint at heart..

Overall Im stoked i like a good challenge



Active Member
3. NorhternLights - Nirvana - Feminized

Its hard to believe i have yet to grow NL as shes a great indoor plant and has been a favorite of so many, she has very broad/fine leaves with a nice light/moderate green shade to them, she was the big grower in veg compared to the others taking the lead, she started throwing out preflowers just after 14 days in veg, and by the time of the switch she was already on the move for budding, almost like she was an autoflower plant, she takes to LST without a hick, her internode spacing is perfect from top to bottom, her braches are plentiful and well suited, lots of bud sites, infact very little effort is needed, even now in pushing in to week 2 she leads the way, there is very little odor compared to the rest.

Overall Thoughts Thus Far:
Growth is exellent
Easy on LST
Very low Odor.
Suited well for the beginner




Active Member
4. Havana - Smok'nSeeds - Feminized

Smok'nSeeds is a local grower, that has become quiet prophishent in creating some unique breeds, Havana is a cross of his 2 1/2 years in the making , Bubblegum x Jack Herer x California Orange Bud, i have had the pleasure of smoking and seeing this plant, and had to give it a run. There are 2 Pheno types and thus far mine is showing the indica trait, it has very plump lush leaves on the light/moderate color, it takes well to LST, the internode spaceing was a little tight, in veg but since the switch has pulled up and out, branching is well suited, lots of bud sites, very uniformed now, its odor level is moderate/heavy, seems to be a bit bushy but with a little LST it seems to fall into place well....

Overall Thoughts Thus Far:
Growth is exellent very lush
Easy/Moderate on LST
Branching a bit stacked up in end of veg.
Moderate/Heavy Odor.




Active Member
4. RockLock - DNA Genetics - Feminized

I had a little problem, with RL, as during replanting it had tipped over and snaped, so i had to restart a new. I am a 12-15 days behind, the others, and will be moving it in with rest at the end of the week, I had it on 18/6 but i had put RL on 24 on, to bring it up to par before the switch, its growing a little slower then expected thus the switch to keep 24 on, it has slim to puggy light/dark leaves, thus far the internode spacing is pretty good, its well defined, i have yet to LST but will most likly have to wait till the move with the others. Its still to early as the growth spurt will likly take place this week before the move, but thus far its comparable to the others...

Overall Thoughts Thus Far:
Growth is a bit slower then i would like ( playing catch up thoe that or it doesnt take well to 24 on)
Not sure yet to LST but it looks to be easy/moderate
Moderate Odor as of yet.

RL Pick Coming Soon!

Heres The Girls In A Bunch



Active Member
Update Oct 21st

Its now been 14 days of flowering and things are going very well.

The TrainWreck is exceeding my expectations, in terms of growth and budding, she is going to be a monster plant, with a ton of cola's all fighting to be number one, the aroma has changed, actually become softer and spicer.

The LA Confidential is really making way now, she is finally stretching, her aroma is still very heavy and earthy, her flowers pistils are thick, and she is coming along well, im still tieing her fan leaves in rotation to get the light to the branches and in doing this there pulling up and out.

The Northernlights is a great plant she is going in overdrive in flower production, she is branching out very well, and it has a very citrus/fruity sweet aroma, again this girl is gonna have a slue of cola's fighting to be number 1

Havana has taken on a thick stinky smell to her, buts its a fantastic aroma, she hasnt pulled as much as the others, but she is on the move, she still seems to have cluter but im doing some ties to move her branching out and around.

And as to Rocklock, well to say the least somthing is a miss, she is just not growing or making any headway, its like she is stuck at 14 days from seed, when she would be 30 days by now, so i have decided to throw her in with the rest and put her in flower, so we'll see what goes on in the next 7 days and get you a pic of her then..... ( i am clueless on this one shameful almost)...



Well-Known Member
la con is incredable not sure how much it produces but its top quality you will be happy. im very intrested how your rocklock turns out. i just finished rocklock and was disapointed with yeild and taste it was very light and whispy buds were very leafy and real earthy taste kind of diffrent.