5 strains! Medi-bud, THC Bomb, Mango, SS Haze, J. Herer


Well-Known Member
That was the first thing I thought about - to raise humidity.
Maybe just make two or 4 holes, so You don`t need to worry about them?

It`s also winter in my place, but I have so many plants in small closet, that I don`t need to think about raising humidity. :D


Well-Known Member
I'll probably try that, cut more hole, because they don't seem to be able to stand that for more than a day or two. I'll post some pics of the Medibud, LR2's and THCB later or tomorrow. I'm beat...


Well-Known Member
here's the low down on the Jack Herrer. out of the 20 seeds I started germinating, 10 are good.:finger:

so, there will be no room for error, now. that strain was to be sold and the others were gonna be 'personal'. of course, I would have kept some of the JH in my personal stash also. it sucks, because, if any, this strain should have had the highest percentage of females, with the exception of the feminized Medibud.
let's pray to the Ganga Gods for 10 females!:weed:


1..the many uses of plastic cups; home made mini humidity domes.
don't try this without some type of cubes, or whatever, to prevent the light from
directly hitting the delicate root. black tape, on my design, only collects heat.
2..eight other JH in humidity dome.
3..most of group 1; MB, LR2, THCB
(hereafter referred to as 'G1', unless a specific strain is subjected)
4..most of group 2; SSH and Mango(Papaya)
(hereafter referred to as 'G2', unless a specific strain is subjected)
5..a larger view of G1(group 1), and you can see 2 Mango in the 10L planter.



Well-Known Member
here's an idea I got...
I'll show you what I did for now and the prototype design...


1. now; taped pieces of stiff paper 'cards' to the lights. the fan is blowing across them.
2. prototype; I'll construct a small model of this one, then post a pic...soon. or, if you build it,
please post a good photo of it in this thread. (oh, I forgot, this system is run by wind power, a
fan is required, to add a fan to the schematic)

this principal will move the light to avoid 'hot spots', distribute light more evenly, and should be
great for different type spectrum or type; MH/HPS, lights...like I have.

the down side is any movement or vibration shortens the lifespan of lights...oh well, nothings perfect!

now, the light is moved several inches in any direction, constantly and gently. it almost creates the
illusion of shade, on the edges, caused by a tree, swaying in the wind, making the shade 'shift'.
the prototype and final design goals, are to do the same thing, plus, mix different spectrum/type
light much more evenly.



Active Member
plez repost with thc bomb results thats what im lokin gat growing next time around the yeoilds are better then big bud and ppp and i heard the buds are better but dont look exotic they look run of the mill


Well-Known Member
plez repost with thc bomb results thats what im lokin gat growing next time around the yeoilds are better then big bud and ppp and i heard the buds are better but dont look exotic they look run of the mill
3 of 5

all 3 doing well now, a slight nute burn, on one of them, np.
on most pics you can zoom in on the tags in each pot, to see which is which.
the date refers to the actual 'in soil' day, if you can zoom that big.
for THCB that day was jan. 16th.
not much else to say yet. THCB is part of G1, but planted 2-4 days late(er).


Well-Known Member
ok, I got the wind powered, rotating, dual light, prototype built.

here's a pic...

it is powered by the oscillating fan. those are cfls on the prototype. it's only half a meter long and very light. I should have some UVB light delivered any day. maybe I'll put those in this one.
it revolves, continuously, at least, has been for the last 3 hours. I have watched it for a long time and seen it do 520 degree turns, 360's and 180's. it isn't completely random...at the mid-cycle, it needs to store energy again. so, it will do the 180's and 360's at the beginning and ending of the cycle. I've seen the cables twine at least 3 times...that's a lot of energy.
I noticed, it tends to 'wobble' a little, the ends(where the lights are), sometimes 'dip', bringing the lights closer to the plants. see below for solution...

I'm starting the upscaled model at this moment, just taking a break.

it will be for the HID lights. a Metal Halide, 400W and a HPS, 400W. it will resemble the prototype, except be bigger. one meter long. also, the prototype has twine from the ceiling to the center of the device, but the new model will have twine going from one point in the ceiling to two points, towards either end of the device, creating a 'triangle', for better stability. this will actually raise the lights, slightly, as the device 'winds up'. then lower, but never lower than the original height, slightly.
pics when it's done...probably today, later today...


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well, I finished the new model. it works...a little less than expected...no 520's or 360's...it's just too heavy. it's huge...sry, no pics tonight. I'm tired...and it's dark in there now. I will try a different,
and hopefully, a stronger, fan. using a mid-sized, floor fan, atm. tomorrow, I'll install a wall mounted fan.
it is cycling, back and forth, at about 110-130 degrees. that's plenty of rotation to spread and mix a lot of light, over a much larger area than before.
now, I just need to refine it to get a longer revolution, my goal is more than 180 degrees.

the prototype was so light, it just spun and spun...this will be awesome with CFLS and/or UVB lights.

edit: by the way, I just got continuous, 180 degree rotation...let me know if you make it or have idea for improvements.
the 'Aerolight' has been moved to it's own thread.

https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/155955-wind-powered-rotating-dual-hid.html#post2000558 :clap::clap::clap:



Well-Known Member
ok, back to the weed!!
at least one more, of the Jack Herrer, isn't gonna make it. looks like I'll end up, for now, with 8-9 of those.
so, I said "fuck it" and threw a dozen bag seeds into germination to make up the difference.
they were from good weed, but who knows what.

I am happy to have saved that many of the JH, but really bummed to have lost, in my mind, what would
have been the 'bumper' in my crop.

G1 is looking great. they're mostly of uniform height, remember, they were planted just a few days apart.
however, the LR2's are looking the best, atm. they're the oldest at 18 days. about 4 cm tall and already 4 nodes. they're starting to broaden, getting quite wide now.

G2 is doing very nice also. about 3cm tall, but much narrower and only 2-3 nodes, at present. this group is much younger
than G1, at this stage. also, G2 has been receiving much less light...until the addition of my 'Aerolights', lol. (that is the name of my diy light rotation device, haha) I expect to see them fill out much more quickly from this time...

G3 (JH) I've raved about enough for awhile. but, the ones living are doing well. they're about 5cm tall. which won't matter once they're in soil, as I plant them deep, so only the cotyledons and up are above the soil surface. anyway, the stems are strong, no drooping or leaning...except towards the light, lol.

overall, the crop is looking good. I'm happy with it.


Well-Known Member
the coolest thing ever, and my luckiest break, yet, in my entire grow history...
I just discovered both my HID ballasts can run both HPS/MH!!

I knew one of them could, it runs a 400w MH or a 360w HPS. but now I know the 400w(430w actual) ballast will run
a 400w MH.
I just ordered these two new bulbs.

400w MH, 32000 lumens, 6500k, ra.90, (that's a super blue spectrum)
360w HPS, 47500 lumens, 2100k, ra.25, (that's a super red spectrum)

and with the four 26w UVB cfls that ought to arrive today, I'll be all set for lights!! http://www.rakuten.co.jp/aquapet/988481/988489/1010518/#1013687


Well-Known Member
hey noob, how much did you end up harvesting from those LR2's?? altogether approximately.
100g, so nearly an ounce per plant.

was more than happy with that. id definetly do them again, but its like £45 quid ($100) for 5 feminized seeds....its a fukin joke.


Well-Known Member
100g, so nearly an ounce per plant.

was more than happy with that. id definetly do them again, but its like £45 quid ($100) for 5 feminized seeds....its a fukin joke.
yeah, their feminized LR2 seeds are too expensive, for too few. there are plenty other sites selling fem'ed LR2's for much less and you get 10.
I was doing LR2's when you were, but screwed em up a little. I have two in this grow.
you can see the latest pics of them on page 5, post #43, pic #6.

and in just a day of having the new Aerolight, oscillating light fixture, they, in particular, have really grown!


Well-Known Member
still tweaking the Aerolight. it is working well, usually rotating a full 180 degrees. I have a few ideas to work out on it...

mostly I'm just gonna post some pics...
look at these Lowryder2's and Medibuds take off!!
THC Bomb looks nice too, but one runt.

I'll post each group separately...G1 first.



Well-Known Member
and the final set, G3...

I think these will go into soil very soon because the new MH bulb will arrive on Monday. I want the JH to be planted around that time.



Well-Known Member
Cool deal - pretty creative,simple, and uses elements already needed in the garden. I wonder what type of consistency in light coverage you get though. No worries, its a heck of a lot cheaper than traditional lite movers and will definitely work. Nice solution :clap: