5 plants Huge Buds, Pics, 1 Problem


Active Member
Ok day 33 now and these buds are getting huge. Mainly posting this if anyone can tell me whats up with picture number 12 and why that whole plant looks like that all the way down? All the seeds are the same batch of dro grown with all the same conditions. Other than that one let me know what ya guys think.

Heres my grow journal if anyone is interested https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/156240-11-plant-ebb-flow.html



Well-Known Member
I think they look great. Is it the tip of the leaf pointing down that your worried about?


Active Member
Is it the farthest one to the right? maybe its just getting less light then the others? im not sure myself but it seems that way. sorry couldnt help

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i would rotate them around the room every few days if you want to get equal size, otherwise they look good when a plant is flowering it is in the end of its life cycle and basicly.....it is dying, when they are almost done flowering they will be all yellow and not looking so hot...except for the nasty sticky buds


Active Member
Ok first of all I cannot rotate them due to the roots growing into the piping and if I move them it will break a good amount of roots so I just have to deal with some not as big as the others. And the problem that I am talking about I will explain a little more about the one plant. All the other pistols are straight and pointed out except that one plant in the picture the second row far right picture at the top. Those pistols on that whole plant all the bud sites look the same where they are curled into each other and real compressed looking.