** 5 Of The Best Places You've Had Sex? **

well, if it's too filthy then i guess not... dang kaleo... what did you do!?!??! a headstone?? nevermind TELL ME you can bleep all the filth out haha >:]
this isnt exactly the best sex ive ever had.. but i did have sex with a group of people watching... it was at a party... me and her snuck off.. things were getting hot... she was getting loud.. before you know it there was a group of people standing around and watching... it was uncomfortable at first.. but i figured fuck it... if they want to watch whatever..
lol im lookin at what ive typed up and theres so much a$$ and f**k and other censors im not sure it would fool anyone, and it sounds alot like a nasty porno
i think you can post it and be ok.. just censor the bad words... and make it sound.... like a kids story... LOL ya right... that would be one fucked up kids story...
naw im re reading it and its pritty bad, i know this shits not allowed cuz i never see anything this bad here on RIU. it would be concidered pornography even with the censors. if you sickkos want to read it you can send me a pm and ill send it to you, but it really dosnt belong in the forums
and id just post it if i didnt know fdd or some mod would slam this thread shut and give me an infraction
yeah.. nothing is worth risking some stupid infraction or suspension.. especially when you think that what your gonna post could lead to it...
in the ocean.

got a bj in a bathroom stall while there were a shit ton of people in there. that one was a little crazy

idk, shower thats about it

i like my bed a lot you know big comfortable some roll room. it works great
hahaha you guys crack me up.
dont worry i dont think this avatar is going anywhere.

best sex ive ever had... probably 2 valentines days ago in the parking lot of a video store. simply amazing.

and oh yeah. the ladys dig the gap. :lol:
it would be cool shit.. like in water.. except without the fear of drowning.. or getting water in your mouth while your down doing your thing... lol