5 of the best mindblowing strains, Day 1... LOTS OF PICS!! Daily Updates.


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I'm diggin' coming by this thread to check on it. Mine are just little seedlings right now. I'm allowed 12 immature OR 6 mature so I got my girlfriend here with me (also a patient) and now she has 12 immature and I have 6 mature all of the time. Well sometimes less than 12 immature, but doubling our #'s by living together.

I don't know how the rules are in your state and if can have both immature and mature plants or you can have one or the other.

I'm going to run a 600w air cooled light and dump my 400's. I am vegging in a 3x8 closet and I'm flowering in a 4x4 tent. I'm figuring with this setup I shoudl be able to get 7-8 oz's every 8 weeks.

More than enough for my needs and an efficient use of power. I use t5's for veg ~400w worth. 600w flower tent so for 1000w of light total I can get consistent yeilds and take care of my habit.
Damn, wish I lived in your state. 3 mature is lame, But manageable first time grow. I am pleased. :peace:
How are you going to flower 12 in a 4x4 tent? My 3 are pushing to the limit, space and light. 1 of them grew 6 inches in a single day. Are you going to SOG? I'm def SCROG next round


Well-Known Member
I won't. I'm going to flower 6 at a time in the 4x4 tent.

You definitely need to run a scrog with a stupid limitation like 3 plants. That's pretty tough to deal with indoors. Most of these limits are based upon what can be done outside and the laws need and limitation need to updated for indoor gardens. 3 plants outdoors could yield you 3 lbs!
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Got a damn bug problem, they're very very small, but I see them. Crawling on the floor. Should I dump a half pint a lady bugs in there or get FoxFarm Don't Bug me spray? I think they may be on the leaves, hard to tell. I'm going to buy a magnify glass tonight.


Well-Known Member

How much should I count on from each plant? I know! I know! you can't tell yet, BUT in 3 gallon containers, any guesses?


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
If you got the ladybugs, I would try them first. Hardest thing is having them stay on your plants..... They tend to wander :) goodluck with your problems


Well-Known Member
Should I just put 10-20? They sell them by the pint (200-300)? Maybe start slow? I don't want overkill amount and have em flying into my light. :-/


Well-Known Member
To get rid of them I can suck them up in a dry vac I've heard??? I also have a cat, heh..


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If you want to know what a skunks ass smells like, stick your head in my tent. Holy shit. My carbon filter is doing wonders. ZERO smell outside the tent. Only complaint with my setup is the noisy ducting, of course I went cheap and didn't get insulated ducting. OH well, almost over, hoping another month and a half. 1 of them is going to be early, for ambers already showing. Bud production is far more advanced than the rest.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is this? This is the lowest leaf, but definitely doesn't look happy. Any guesses? Nute Def? Pests?


Well-Known Member
Bugs, hope I didn't fuck myself. This is what I did.....
evidence all 3 under attack, little white things crawling? Half the size of this period. Maybe spidermites? I bought (because my light so conviently comes on at 8pm and turns off 8am and no grow store is open) from home depot Ortho Eco sense, read a thread it worked great for most. I sprayed a very light amount to most the lower foilage, sense i'm 3 weeks into flower I avoided the tops. Hope this is ok. Then waited 20-30 mintues and sprayed with pure water, my thinking was rinse it off to avoid damaging leafs. 2 hours later, no signs of any problems. I also fed them because if was time, I gave them a healthy dose of Fox Farm Big Bloom only. I've heard that alone will relieve plants of stress. ph is at 7. I'm going to purchase ph down tomorrow, not to worry. Here are photos of the product I purchased, and a photo of 1 of the many leaves infected by pests, this is the worse of them. Should of went with my first instinct days ago, I ignored the small little critters crawling around. Fuck. Please critique me if anyone thinks I could of done anything differently? :cry:



Well-Known Member
i estimate 4 oz
That'd be righteous.
...So I have this old aerogarden, pump is broken so I decided to use it for lighting for some clones, and I'm germinating some more seeds, why not? Only problem, how do you get this thing to stay on, the light will turn off every so often, can't figure out pattern yet, I'm thinking its 18/6. Not sure though. Clones showing roots, only after a week. Very nice. Will the flowers eventually go away? I'm pretty sure its imperative to get this light on 24/0. Anyone know how these work?



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, about that bug attack..... its a thing of the past thanks to Orthos Eco Sense. I applied somewhat heavy, plants look great, think they're happy those little bugs are off them. Didn't hurt them at all... ::relieved:: I recommend this product.


Well-Known Member
That'd be righteous.
...So I have this old aerogarden, pump is broken so I decided to use it for lighting for some clones, and I'm germinating some more seeds, why not? Only problem, how do you get this thing to stay on, the light will turn off every so often, can't figure out pattern yet, I'm thinking its 18/6. Not sure though. Clones showing roots, only after a week. Very nice. Will the flowers eventually go away? I'm pretty sure its imperative to get this light on 24/0. Anyone know how these work?
I've seen people cut leaves, why do they do this when they clone? Looks like they just cut the tips right off? I don't understand? Should I try this method? Doogleaf???????


Well-Known Member
I've seen people cut leaves, why do they do this when they clone? Looks like they just cut the tips right off? I don't understand? Should I try this method? Doogleaf???????
I cut the leaves about in half on mine, especially big leaves. There are a couple of reasons. It's a lot of foliage to maintain sometimes and so they start to yellow faster if uncut. That doesn't really matter, it's a presentation thing when taking them to a dispensary usually.

The other reason that I do it is because I can fit more clones in the tray this way without the leaves overlapping and touching. That overlapping and touching coupled with high humidity in the dome can promote mold developement in clones that take a long time to root and spend a long time in the dome.


Well-Known Member
I cut the leaves about in half on mine, especially big leaves. There are a couple of reasons. It's a lot of foliage to maintain sometimes and so they start to yellow faster if uncut. That doesn't really matter, it's a presentation thing when taking them to a dispensary usually.

The other reason that I do it is because I can fit more clones in the tray this way without the leaves overlapping and touching. That overlapping and touching coupled with high humidity in the dome can promote mold developement in clones that take a long time to root and spend a long time in the dome.

I agree. Glad you got your bugz under control. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I agree. Glad you got your bugz under control. Good luck
ehhhh... god flowering is much more difficult and more timely then veging. Err.. I have 1 of my plants almost touching the light while the rest are 6-10 inches shorter. I don't want to bring it up for just the one, should I place the others on something to make them evenly tall towards the light. I've heard LST works, but I haven't recieved enough infomation for me to try this my first time. I understand tie the upper half to something on the floor so its bending? I kinda did, but it didnt look good. I didn't have a good feeling so I cut the rope. Any thoughts? Heres some photos I took today. Is it ok to take daily photos in the dark cycle, the flash is pretty bright!



Well-Known Member
Really hope these buds pack some more girth to them.
Day 22 since light cycle changed to 12/12



Well-Known Member
At day 22 the stretch will bu just about over. Supercrop anything that gets too tall. Those buds are just babies but they look good. Keep it up!.