5 o'clock's subcooled garden.....

I'm sure on the west coast someone probably has it but where I live I am lucky to find anything as good as what I've been growing, and it was bagseed. I would think it might be kinda risky to smuggle a plant into the country but I'm sure it can be done. Hell, they cross tons of drugs over the Mexican border all the time.....
I had been taking narcotic's to help deal with the pain in my hip, I shattered it on a jet ski. And taking med for depression. I haven't had to re-fill either since I started growing. What I have is good just not good enough. I don't like to have to take toke after toke. I want to do 2-3 hitters or bongs and be done. I get an awsome high from mine but I have to smoke 6-7 bongs of it. I quit smoking a year ago to allow my lungs to only have to deal with the MJ smoke and if I can reduce that even more than I'm happy to take that step.....

damn man i cant imagine how much that must hurt. good on you for not getting onto the anti depressants man they make you so much more a zombie than the dope ever will. dude if subcool has crossed the real deal cheese with cindy you'll not need 6-7 hits, i can vouch for cindy. i cant handle that stuff its too racey for me i like to be chilled after tokin but that stuff got my heart racing like a line of coke would... and the cheese well haha facemelter:joint: im gonna ask subcool if he will do me a deal on 5 of each querkle and the DQ....
damn man i cant imagine how much that must hurt. good on you for not getting onto the anti depressants man they make you so much more a zombie than the dope ever will. dude if subcool has crossed the real deal cheese with cindy you'll not need 6-7 hits, i can vouch for cindy. i cant handle that stuff its too racey for me i like to be chilled after tokin but that stuff got my heart racing like a line of coke would... and the cheese well haha facemelter:joint: im gonna ask subcool if he will do me a deal on 5 of each querkle and the DQ....

It's not so bad anymore. The worst pain I ever had was not when I wipped out but after swimming back to the jet ski I had to pull myself out of the water and ride it back about a mile to where all my friends boats were. I snapped the head and neck of my hip joint right off the top of my femer. I now have 3 screws holding me together and have a card for when I go through a metal detector. It aches now and then depending on the weather but without meds it aches all the time. I climb ladders, get into crawls and attics so I need to be flexable and pain free.

I like the racey stuff. The sativa I grow does the same thing when I smoke it. I get my heart racing and have enough motovation to get some of these big projects done. I have been taking a sleep aid also but hope that one of Sub's strains can take that one's place also. The one big thing I hate about perscription meds is the effect they have on your libido. My wife hates when I have to take it because it kills my sexual appitite.
hell man that's some tale right there, its amazing your still walking around an active dude. if racy is what your looking for cindy is the one man i thought i was having a heart attack.
i've just recently beat my addiction to sleepers man that shit fucked me up for a good while. now im on a total health kick eating fruit and going to the gym i sleep like a normal person lol.
dont worry 5 0 clock i smoke to help with the pain too.. id hate life without ma weed, sleepers and pain killers.

the weeds my favourite of the lot too bro lol:)
Whatup 5 o clock.... Im going on 5 1/2 weeks of no cigs... Stricktly MJ... glad to see you are going strong after a year. My problem is i went through all my stuff in that short of a time... Well not all ...lol.. but pretty damn near.
keep strong franco man im a year n a half off the tabs n aint never going back!

got myself signed up for bidzbay and subcool was seriously ice coooold man said hes gonna put some 5 seed packs up for me so its just a wait to get the £ on my visa card and im up and away with querkle and DQ...

hows your seedlings lookin 5
NIce update man, sorry to hear about the pain, and accident, that shit sucks!! Your room looks great though, should be a nice ass harvest!
hell man that's some tale right there, its amazing your still walking around an active dude. if racy is what your looking for cindy is the one man i thought i was having a heart attack.
i've just recently beat my addiction to sleepers man that shit fucked me up for a good while. now im on a total health kick eating fruit and going to the gym i sleep like a normal person lol.

I think I have ADD (or at least that's what my wife tells me) and When i'm working on a project my mind wanders and I start thinking about every aspect of what I'm doing rather than focusing on what's right in front of me. When i smoke sativa it acts like riddelin (sp?) and i'm able to keep my focus. As for the accident, I was very lucky. I was a trained combat medic in the Army and recognized when i started to go on shock. I was able to keep myself from panicing and drowning. All I can say is someone wasn't ready for me that day.....

dont worry 5 0 clock i smoke to help with the pain too.. id hate life without ma weed, sleepers and pain killers.

the weeds my favourite of the lot too bro lol:)

I hate having to rely on chemicals that killed or deformed 10,000 mice until they got it right. I'd rather let mother take care of it.....

Whatup 5 o clock.... Im going on 5 1/2 weeks of no cigs... Stricktly MJ... glad to see you are going strong after a year. My problem is i went through all my stuff in that short of a time... Well not all ...lol.. but pretty damn near.

My son walked up to me in the store one day and handed me the nicotine gum and asked me to take it so I wouldn't die. I looked at his 8 year old eyes and threw the pack I had in the trash on the way out the door and never looked back.

keep strong franco man im a year n a half off the tabs n aint never going back!

got myself signed up for bidzbay and subcool was seriously ice coooold man said hes gonna put some 5 seed packs up for me so its just a wait to get the £ on my visa card and im up and away with querkle and DQ...

hows your seedlings lookin 5

All have broke through the soil as of 10 min ago..... The Snowdawg cracked one. Still waiting on the other one.....

NIce update man, sorry to hear about the pain, and accident, that shit sucks!! Your room looks great though, should be a nice ass harvest!

I have as many plants as I had the first time going in. The only difference is the size of the plants. The moms were probably to big but I don't care, they have to go to make room. I will try to make adjustments to the floor to get the taler plants lower to the floor and keep the smaller plants up.
I put Snowdawg #1 in soil today. I don't think #2 is going to crack. It is a little deformed and was the biggest one in the bag. I tried to choose the most opposite seeds in each bag just incase it made a difference in pheno's. but this seed was also deformed. It has turned dark from all the soaking but is refusing to even look like it wants to crack. I pulled another seed and put it in just incase it doesn't, so I could end up with 3 Snowdawgs.....

I put the seedlings outside to get some full sun today. A few of them seemed to be stretched but it may be because I didn't put them real deep. I was hoping the sun would thicken them up and it did. The only draw back was that one of the Dairy Queen, #1 to be exact, had blown flat in the wind. The stem didn't seem broken and the plant hadn't wilted so I added more soil and made it stand back up. I put them back inside after 4 hours of afternoon sun and just peeked in on them. All are looking great even the DQ#1. Will update the journal tomorrow with pic's..... It's a little boring when they are in this stage but I want to show the Snowdawg seed #2. It's dimpled and looks deformed.....
Yeah sounds like ya got ya hands full, I seriously need to get 1 or 2 plants out in this sun man. Im gutted cuz ive run out of smoke and got too long b4 next chop bout a week or so. Itd be ok if there was any for sale in the local area but its all a goose chase after rubbish. Hope I can get something b4 i straighten up and start twiching all over the shop lol.
Bad news. The Dairy Queen that was blown over in the wind wilted last night. I don't think it's going to make it. I will check on it later today but I think I need to put another seed in to take it's place. It sucks because you never know which plant maybe the next WW or Nevilles Haze. They all hold that potential but it goes undiscovered until the plant is grown out..... I am looking forward to this mix of Cheese and C-99.
Bad luck on that dairyqueen man its always sad to lose a plant. On a plus side i jus bought 5 jack the ripper beans, thought id have a crack at em lol.
I'm getting sick of having to type all my post twice..... For whatever reason when i go to post it shows an error message and when I try to refresh or go back everything I typed is gone.

Any way, The first pic shows the Snowdawg #2 seed. The whole side of it is caved in and it has turned very dark from soaking in the papertowel all week. I'm offically calling it a dud... Snowdawg #3 has cracked, pic #2, and will go in soil later tonight.

The DQ#1 was badly wilted and hanging it's head low. I put another seed in, DQ#3, in anticipation of it not making it. I used a paperclip to prop it up but it has lost the green luster for life all the others have.

All but 1 seed out of 12 cracked, one is dying because I didn't protect it from the wind. 2 more have been put in to take their place so I will have 2 of each strain. I won't be putting pic's of the flower room in the journal because it is for the Subcool seeds but I will post some in this thread. Right now there's not much to see but General Franco would be proud of all the supercropping I'm having to do because of height issues from the sativa's.
Bad luck on that dairyqueen man its always sad to lose a plant. On a plus side i jus bought 5 jack the ripper beans, thought id have a crack at em lol.

Sweet! Are they the only strain your getting from him? I'll let you know what the other's turn out to be with a smoke report at the end of the grow so you can make informed decisions if your interested in growing anything else.
this will be interesting....lots of cool stuff.....those strains, just picked me up some and will too start a grow maybe in a bit.....so I'm watching. Thanks for your updates, and keep'im coming. Walk On!

I'm nervous for when I start feeding them. The 3 strains I was growing all had a different appitite. The heavy sativa's didn't want much more than water or they would burn. I think I can handle it but 6 different strains sounds like a lot of work anyway.....
this will be interesting....lots of cool stuff.....those strains, just picked me up some and will too start a grow maybe in a bit.....so I'm watching. Thanks for your updates, and keep'im coming. Walk On!

Sorry for the break of the thread here but... Jesus tahoe58.... do you happen to know the name of the chick on your avi?

hehehe I know im a perv. (shes is superb)