yea pedigree can mean a lot .... when we was breeding horses, pedigrees meant a lot, almost everything. It all starts with a pedigree so to speak.... though the probabilities of nature never cease, and good genetics still has its duds ... just a whole lot less often I think that random seeds.
good work 5 knew you were on top of your game, hopefully youll get some good results tho i think it'll be hard not to with the pedigree, id love to have a look at subs notes on what hes tried to cross already bet thats an interesting read.
hope you pass your test n get back on the sweet mary jane train ASAP fella
man I know what you mean, my ex used to say they're good for you they take your edge off ....wait, that my edge ... I like and want my edge .... wait .... mj is the best for me.

I always thought (and you can even go back to my earlier posts in my first journal) that my addictive personality would pay hell to me for having an unlimited supply .... but it hasn't turned out that way. I merely enjoy the free pleasures of tokin whenever I want .... but then that does mean ... ex-wife ..... that a whole different fredom.
It sounds like he's hard to please so I'm sure he's made some that we would concider good but to him it didn't cut it. I shouldn't have any problem passing but now I'm 4 days off and I've had to get up around midnight the last few nights to take a sleeping pill because I can't turn off my brain when I lay down. My lower back pain is back already also. I haven't had to start my antidepressants yet and will hold off as long as I can. I hate the side effects of that shit..... Won't be long after I get back from AZ that the Chernobyl's and JTR #2 will be done so I want to get the test over with as soon as I get back.