5 gallon buckit


Well-Known Member
i had a 5ft in one last year outside, it worked well but make sure that you have a good mix to let the water drain and take a drill and drill the bottom to drain.
have fun


Well-Known Member
sock that's the size I was looking for do you think yard compost has good dranage because I never have to water only to fertilize witch I barley have to do thanksfor the info so far :)


Well-Known Member
yard compost may and may not, it sort of depends on whats in the compost. like the compost i made this year was mainly had fuits in it and some veg so it didnt seem to drain well so i mixed in potting mix to get it to drain.
just remember that if it dosent drain you more likely to get root rot wich is no buna


Well-Known Member
I recommend putting an inch or 2 of gravel in the very bottom to help with drainage. It's always helped my tomatoes when I was using pots.