5 foot plant flowering


Well-Known Member
So I flowerd this bubba kush clone at about 3 1/2 foot about 5weeks ago. Shes doing really good. In fact, she has almost outgrown the 5 x 7 growspace! I left for three of the last 5 weeks and I just got back and its my first successful budding so I was amazed at wat I saw...Not only was this my first budding plant, but its like 5 feet with like 13 main branches!!!

I had only one question thus far, I cant move the 400w HPS any higher so the top buds look done, more than 50% of the hairs are brown.
However the branches that I should have cut off at the bottom are less than done, about 20-30% done...

Anyone have any suggestions?

here are a few pics I took last night....



Well-Known Member
I thought that Lst (low stress trianing) or tying them down is not good while flowering!?!?
In fact I wanted to trim some of the leaves up top so more light could get to the rest of the plant but people commented saying that leaving them the way they are is best!?


Active Member
Can you extend the box a bit higher, and raise the lamp?

If not, you could bend over the main cola by gently squeezing the main stem below it, until the fibres are soft enough to bend easily. You'll need to support the cola until the plant repairs the bend.


Well-Known Member
the plant grew to about 3 1/2 foot before I flowered it. its been flowering for about 5 weeks now, how lond do u think it has until its done.