5 Days into flowering and leaf wilt (photo)


New Member
hey i posted my concerns a couple days ago. given it some time and still no change.
im using a 1000w HID bolb, drip feed system. I flushed it prior to the change over, added nutes (+ anti stress femnizer too) and checked ph (all is good).
BUT still the plant cowers. is my light too close maybe?? During veg stage it loved it..


Darth Velonex

New Member
Hard to tell from that picture, but it looks under watered to me. Possible over watered but that usually appears as a drooping as apposed to the wilting I see here. It's possible also that it is root bound. How old is the plant, and what size container is it in?


New Member
12 weeks from seed.. In 35 ltr pot. Feeding for 15mins every 2hrs during day phase! Is this too often?(1st timer) I haven't been able to find any info on this.. But all I can say is it loved it during veg!


Well-Known Member
Over watering would be my guess. The roots will suffocate and rot. In veg you had more light so more photosynthesis going on ='s more water uptake.