5 Days In


Active Member
Hello Everyone. I have a few questions.
Here are some pics of my first ever batch of plants.
I am 2 days in. 20 plants in 16oz cups, kept in warm garage. I have watered twice so far because of the dry conditions. There is no light on these plants.
I have no idea when these plants need to be moved to bigger pots, or when to start using light, or when to start using nutes. Also, I am using cheap soil, but it seems to be ok, when I move to bigger pots can I switch to good organic soil?????? Thanks Everyone.



Well-Known Member
if u truly believ that they have seen no light,then go for it,just putting it out there,nottrying to disrespect ur grow just like i said,putting it out there,good luck!!


Active Member
I am 5 days into my first grow.........You know more than me, I was just trying to understand why clear cups are a bad idea.
Thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
like he said ... bad for the roots ..... im a noob myself but im assuming the light kills the roots


Well-Known Member
What light/s do you have ? and why dont you have them on ?

Plants need light , air and water just to grow

Also what have you planted your seeds in it looks like BARK from a kids play ground :mrgreen:


Active Member
Yeah those puppies already look spindley, once the seedlings sprout from the soil they are ready to put under a light. For seedlings cfl is the best. Then you can decide to veg with cfl or buy a ml light. (I suggest a ml for vegging) A hps is strongly suggested for flowering. For ferts I hear alot of contradicting info but I think it is safe to say wait at least till the seedlings are three weeks old (in soil) and transplanted into a bigger pot before ferting. But don't fert immediately after transplanting cause it can lock up fert uptake in the stressed roots. And when you start do a 1/4 strengh solution and work your way up as the plant gets bigger. Older seedlings take flowering ferts pretty well, than during vegging get a high "n" containing fert and when they flower revert back to the big bloom. If your soil is enriched with ferts than that changes the whole thing but you shouldn't use soil like that anyways because of high ph levels(for example miricle gro soil). Changing the grow medium during transplanting is stressful to the roots but seeing the quality of your current soil it might be worth the risk. Also if you don't get the lights in time and your babies are spindley you can actually bury the stem so the colyens are like an inch from the top soil. It will not damper off if you water the plants carefully and using a high phosphurous fert will promote root growth along the side of the buried stem. Menards of HD have compact flo's for cheap looked at some today and they were 15 dollars a bulb(65watt? 8000 lumen light) and the fixtures were 5 dollars a piece.

EDIT: Hopes this helps also 20 babies might be alot at risk for your first grow if you fuck up all of them are gong to suffer. Right now im doing four at a time. My last batch were to spindley and stretched. Not enough light or ferts, temp was to high, no ventilation, I kept changing the light cycle because of close calls with turning off the lights, and I wasn't letting the tap water sit for 24 hrs. to let the chlorine evaporate. Suprisingly they took the abuse quite well but I pulled them anyways because my buddy started to spray paint in the grow room. He kind of retarded some times...