5 day old seedlings help !!


Well-Known Member
from a member of another forum

This is not uncommon. they are bulbous heads.. I get the same thing on my SCxCJ. They are little bulbous trichome heads.

The bulbous type is the smallest (15-30 micron). From one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. Head cells secrete a resin - presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle. When the gland matures, a nipple-like protrusion may form on the membrane from the pressure of the accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about the surfaces of the above-ground plant parts.

The second type of gland is much larger & is more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They actually have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. The head is composed of usually eight, but up to 16 cells, that form a convex rosette. These cells secrete cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the rosette and it's outer membrane. This gives it a spherical shape. The gland measures from 25 to 100 micron across.

Cannabinoids are most abundant in the capitate-stalked gland which consists of a tier of secretory disc cells subtending a large non-cellular secretory cavity. During flowering the capitate glands that appear on the newly formed plant parts take on a third form. Some of the glands are raised to a height of 150 to 500 micron when their stalks elongate. These capitate-stalked glands appear during flowering and form their densest cover on the female flower bracts. They are also highly concentrated on the small leaves that accompany the flowers. The male flowers have stalked glands on the sepals, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female bracts. Male flowers form a row of very large capitate glands along the opposite sides of anthers.

Also see: http://books.google.com/books?id=_aK...pitate&f=false

Official verdict: Glandular trichome.


Well-Known Member
worth a read

Article http://www.researchgate.net/publication/232721274_Bidirectional_Secretions_from_Glandular_Trichomes_of_Pyrethrum_Enable_Immunization_of_Seedlings
[h=1]Bidirectional Secretions from Glandular Trichomes of Pyrethrum Enable Immunization of Seedlings.[/h]Aldana M Ramirez, Geert Stoopen, Tila R Menzel, Rieta Gols, Harro J Bouwmeester, Marcel Dicke, Maarten A Jongsma

Plant Research International, Wageningen University and Research Centre, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands.
The Plant Cell (Impact Factor: 9.25). 10/2012; DOI:10.1105/tpc.112.105031 Source: PubMed

ABSTRACT Glandular trichomes are currently known only to store mono- and sesquiterpene compounds in the subcuticular cavity just above the apical cells of trichomes or emit them into the headspace. We demonstrate that basipetal secretions can also occur, by addressing the organization of the biosynthesis and storage of pyrethrins in pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) flowers. Pyrethrum produces a diverse array of pyrethrins and sesquiterpene lactones for plant defense. The highest concentrations accumulate in the flower achenes, which are densely covered by glandular trichomes. The trichomes of mature achenes contain sesquiterpene lactones and other secondary metabolites, but no pyrethrins. However, during achene maturation, the key pyrethrin biosynthetic pathway enzyme chrysanthemyl diphosphate synthase is expressed only in glandular trichomes. We show evidence that chrysanthemic acid is translocated from trichomes to pericarp, where it is esterified into pyrethrins that accumulate in intercellular spaces. During seed maturation, pyrethrins are then absorbed by the embryo, and during seed germination, the embryo-stored pyrethrins are recruited by seedling tissues, which, for lack of trichomes, cannot produce pyrethrins themselves. The findings demonstrate that plant glandular trichomes can selectively secrete in a basipetal direction monoterpenoids, which can reach distant tissues, participate in chemical conversions, and immunize seedlings against insects and fungi.


Well-Known Member
Ya dude me either thus why I freaked the fuck out lol.. Talked to my local hydro shop owner as well and he says the same "Trichomes" . Still at lights on tonight I had to take my micro down and do a full out inspection to make sure there was no mites and sure as shit could not find one !!


Well-Known Member
Well to who ever is still following .. The girls are doing good.. Two out of the tree however did suffer a little bit of shock as a result of overwatering. Although four days later she seems to be coming back.


Well-Known Member
Move them closer to your T-5s.!!!!
Only water when the soil is almost all dry.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
they're trichomes, they form on most leaves even in early stages of growth, but they're so small you can't see them unless you use a scope


Well-Known Member
i tryed to upload a pic with my post but it wouldnt work lol .. any way ... there under a 600 hps now and looking alot better .. i will keep trying to upload a pic


Well-Known Member
Odd, I've never quite seen fully developed cloudy trichs on a seedling before, are you sure that's what your seeing?


Well-Known Member
lol who would have thought a few little plants could cause so much stress !!!
Oooohhh, if you're new to it...just wait :) Its a blast thats well worth the time but there will be times when it will get "interesting" For me, the beginnings are always the easy part. It gets progressively more challenging as it goes, but again, its fun. Learning to grow cannabis half decent is one of my best achievements. I'm no expert, but when I found out that I can produce weed FAR better than anything I could buy on these streets, I was just stoked. That was a couple years ago and I'm still amazed every time I look at 'em. The only thing I did wrong was not start growing until after I had been smoking and buying for 30 years. If I could have a fraction of that money back I could build the worlds finest grow-room.
Good luck and always remember to have fun !!


Well-Known Member
Oooohhh, if you're new to it...just wait :) Its a blast thats well worth the time but there will be times when it will get "interesting" For me, the beginnings are always the easy part. It gets progressively more challenging as it goes, but again, its fun. Learning to grow cannabis half decent is one of my best achievements. I'm no expert, but when I found out that I can produce weed FAR better than anything I could buy on these streets, I was just stoked. That was a couple years ago and I'm still amazed every time I look at 'em. The only thing I did wrong was not start growing until after I had been smoking and buying for 30 years. If I could have a fraction of that money back I could build the worlds finest grow-room.
Good luck and always remember to have fun !!
I agree totally! I'd like it but can't find the button.


Well-Known Member
so here is my latest issue .. watered 4 days ago and top of soil is dry enough to water again but soil felt in the run off holes in the bottom of the pot still has enough moisture for a few days ....... what do I do, water or wait?


Well-Known Member
don't water until the pot is dry and give them a small drink when you do, make them work for it. no free rides around here...