5 day old baby curling up

Hi everyone. This is my first time growing and I would like to get some advise. I have some 5 day old white widows that have started to curl up from the bottom [like a cobra that's about to strike]. I have the under a 4' flourecent bulbs, 1 6500 k and the other a 2700k, they're about 6" from the plant. The soil seems to dry out fast and I dont know if this is why they are curling up. I water them 2x a day as I work and I can't water them until I get home. The temp reached about 95 on one day, ut since then I have a small ac going keeping in the lower 80's. Any help will be greatly appreciated. One more thing. I made a mistake of germinating the seeds for 4 days i\o 2 days. When I planted them the had already a long stem. Any help? Thanks


Watering them twice a day everyday is your problem. Seedlings can grow off the initial moisture of the medium for a few weeks from what I hear, but I wouldn't water them for another week or so.

Also, how are you watering them? If the soil is super soaked, you may wanna flush out your system. Time to beat the clock, if you have another planter, fill it with some soil straight from the bag, and transplant it, keeping the roots away from direct light for too long. If your medium is too moist right now, you may lose your little girl.

What I like to do is get some wire strippers and position the stem in the middle of one of the bigger holes so that you can keep the plant upright without any contact and tension while you carefully dig it out to transplant.

Hope this helps dude, I'm losing my little girls slowly myself, but it breaks my heart to hear that yours is white widow.

Keep her alive