5.4 ph water with nutes


Active Member
I got a few quick questions, is this nute burn?Photo0342.jpgand my light is at the top of this pic and my ladys under Photo0343.jpgdoes that look to close to them? or to far away from them?


New Member
looks like you are in soil. your nutrient pH should be 6.3 in soil. you mix your nutes and then adjust the pH. that light is way too far away. what size is it? 2' for a 1000w. 18" for a 600w. if the plants are just going under HID lighting then keep it 12" further away and move it down slowly over the course of a week.

what is the ppm of your nutrient solution? how old are your plants since they were rooted. lockout is a MAJOR issue at a pH of 5.4 in soil.


Well-Known Member
yes its to far away...shoot for 18" from the top of the plants make sure its not to hot though!


Active Member
the water i put into my plants yesturday had a ph of 5.4. I read a lil of it today and it was 5.4 so thats why i have theat question, and i have a 1000 watt light so way lower light?