4x8 tent ventilation help


Well-Known Member
Running 3 cmh 315w lights. For some reason I have two 6” 440cfm amazon exhaust fans hooked up to 6”x18” ipower filters. Turned them on medium fan speed and it still smells. Either I have bunk filters or I’m doing something right. Please help
What brand is it? Does Amazon actually make the filters themselves or is it manufactured in China somewhere?
It was an Ipower or vivosun. Can’t remember. I swapped the flange to other side and see if that’ll help.

Maybe you mean amazon fan... it’s a 6” vivosun 440cfm
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That’s not a bad idea. But probably would only work in tent and not a large area outside tent right?
Yes. With scrubber reducing odor inside the tent, the other exhaust carbon filter has much less odor to strip.

Forget odor. I like scrubbing because it filters huge amounts of tiny particulate out of the air. The outer sock gets filthy! Clean weed.
I flipped the flange to the other side and it helped. Still a slight smell. I think if I want a 4x8 space I’ll do two tents. Maybe this tent was just low quality. A vivosun 4x4 has no smell was super thick and nice. This ipower 4x8 was thinner and had pinholes all over. So I’ll go back to vivosun stuff seems well built. And no I’m not sponsored by them lolz
I flipped the flange to the other side and it helped. Still a slight smell. I think if I want a 4x8 space I’ll do two tents. Maybe this tent was just low quality. A vivosun 4x4 has no smell was super thick and nice. This ipower 4x8 was thinner and had pinholes all over. So I’ll go back to vivosun stuff seems well built. And no I’m not sponsored by them lolz
Unless it’s like a net, if you maintain a negative and pull the proper amount of air through, it should work. It could be a number of things, a leaky tent being one, shitty filter another, or too much/too little air. Did you find the ratings for that particular filter?
I couldn’t find the cfm for the 6” ipower carbon filter online. Idk why amazon doesn’t have that spec. It worked great absolutely wonderful in a 4x4