4x4 x2 600w hps 300w led

One more week of veg too go, have been training the girls over the last few days to get a more even growth pattern for when they head so far they're doing well filling up the tent
One more week of veg too go, have been training the girls over the last few days to get a more even growth pattern for when they head so far they're doing well filling up the tent
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Well I got bored and decided to do the final repotting now saves me the hassle in a weeks time, they had nearly filled there pots with roots in one week so I'd expect they'll be fast too dig down into there upgraded potsIMG_20190928_102225.jpg
Toady I cleaned out the under growth that would later be considered pop corn or fluff should have at least one more clean out in another week before heads begin to show/form
In the veg cabinet the clones are starting to root up faster and faster each day oh the joys of spring.... No doubt ill run out of room again like last year, even after I trimmed back my 3 mother plants I get full growth again the following week at least they're healthy, my rare land race PPEG/R(I consider it rare due to it flowering in 18/6 I've never seen that before now) I'd tell you the non acronym name but it'd give away my where abouts..... Maby next year if it gets legal maby, any way my PPEG/R girl is starting to reveg again yay here's some untidy pics of my cabinet and cloner sitting on its heat pad.
Also I had a win with some seeds and customs, finally got some to make it through, site was herbies I'd rather use seedman now but hey trying my best not too whinge too much
Looking forward too sprouting these girls
Cost ruffly $60 nzd for 4 seeds which was shipping included but split between afew others as well
Also that little clear seed propergator has my new vege seeds going, gonna run rabi kholi, peas, Italian tomatoes, money maker tomatoes, butter nut pumpkins,gaint red Chinese chillies
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Ending of week 6 had afew issues, 3 plants decided to throw their toys out of the cott,they received I nice doses of nutrient burn.....i have a feeling their pH also spiked during the heat wave we had as they were all feed from the same batch but only 3 out of 11 got burnt, flushed them quickly with water ph'd at 6 but the burns there unfortunately otherwise the rest are going great hairs are browning off steadily and bulking is continuing (even on the burn girls) at a good healthy rate,
How many times are you feeding a day and don’t run off?
Once a day or when they first dry out,I usually run straight water once a week it depends,the only time I really get a build up is once I use shooting powder but once that's over they're on near straight water so it gets flushed, hope that awnser that lol pretty stoned atm haha
You water everyday ? Nice !
I would be worried to feed so much .
I also do a side blurple like you ... I angle mine more diagonally, kinda like side lighting. Happy growing