4x4 Ebb n Flow White Russian SoG Style


Active Member

  • Hi, Please help me with this problem. Im also doing flood and drain. I got 6x6 rw sitting on 4x4ft flood table. I been getting root rot. I only flood it for 10 min once a day. what should the schedule be for flowering. plant r about foot tall. room temp r about high 80f with 1200 ppm c02. do i flood more often to get air flow through cube? some cube stays heavy for days.. please help.. plants r getting yellow quick!​

@chopstick. A lot of questions need answered. What's the temp on your res? How high up your cubes are you flooding? What's your ppm and ph? Are you sure the yellowing is from root rot? If your cubes stay wet for days the plants may not be feeding enough


Well-Known Member
Nice set up all in all.

Here is a co-op set up me and a friend are doing for a couple of patients that can't afford the dispensaries:

This is an ebb & flow set up with a 600w HPS, 16 Chernobyls: half are CH4 meaning the 4th cut of cuts and the other half is CH5 meaning the 5th cut of cuts. Day 40 12:12, oh and it is a sog grow.


I just finished building my own personal ebb & flow, it is much smaller than the one on here. Living in an apartment in SF you have little room.

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I am running 4 TGA plushberry's and 2 elephant stompers by Hazeman. They are under a 250w MH which I can up to 275w, 400w, or 425w due to the conversion ballast also I have a 190cfm inline fine connected to the filter which really helps keep the temps down. Since they are seedlings I only flood 15 minutes every five days and as they mature I will up the flood intervals. I am also running a small sog grow. Gudkarma might remember me from another thread when I had this weird system called a hydro heart which was an RDWC system (recirculating deep water culture) and it sucked to many moving parts, air pumps water pumps and was very messy I am glad I switched to ebb and flow. The first pic of the chernobyls is my buddy's and I help him and he teaches me a lot he has been growing for 12 years.

wish I has some questions or answers for you guys maybe in due time just thought I would throw some pics up and show what I am, and my buddy's co-op are using.


Well-Known Member
How to build an ebb n flow system?

I have a 4x4 + 90x90cm air cooled hood with 600w HPS. Wanted to do a 36 plant SOG