4x 100% Indica Master Kush Clones + 1x Purp Strain Bagseed - 1st Informed Grow


Well-Known Member
I got an Aqua culture 5-15 Gallon Air Pump. And since my jug is only 5 gal's I figure it's perfect. I also got a bubble stone, to pump the air through. It's good times. Now I sleep for 5 hours or less, and wake up to smoke with the home boy. Talk to yall then, have a great 420 man!!


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone, my first VIDEO UPDATE!!! Data and pictures to come next!! I'm working in my grow room at the moment to light proof it, so I'll upload those as soon as I have time, prob an hour or 2. Anyway, here's the video!! bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Overly complicated. I've tried 3 separate times to simplify it and it just seems to get more complex each time. But i'm trying to do it without putting more then 2 hooks in the ceiling. So it's all done with tripods, thats about 90% of the complication right there. Trust me, i'm NOT proud of this setup, but it gets me by ;-)


Active Member
man that shit is beautifull, i cant wait to see what you do under mh/hps. yours look WAY healthier under the cfl's than mine do under the 400 watter. lookin awesome bro


Well-Known Member
i think its tight, i got a nightstand from good will for 2 bucks lol, and took it apart, still havent figured out the final setup for it, i call it frankenstein.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my lazy ass has been slacking on posting the update, I recorded the data here, just need to upload the pics and type the data, I also need to get another air pump and light proof my room to prepare for flower...ag....and I usually just get stoned and watch some Star Trek or something :-P


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone, it was a PAIN IN THE ASS, but i've not officially light proofed the room, and brought the pH of my soil down by a full 1.5
They WERE at about 7.4-7.9, but I brought them all back down to 6.5 or so. I'll check them again in the morning, but i'm hoping they'll stay that way. I had to give them 40oz each of pH 5.0 water, which took me an hour to get the right pH levels, since I was working with a 5 gallon jug of water, adding drops of vinegar and retesting. Did that about 10 times before I finally found the right mix and watered them ALL to bring the soils pH down.

ANYWAY, I was supposed to water tomorrow, but i'll prob wait 2 days and flush with low pH water again to keep them at the right levels, and i'll have to use vinegar until I can get some proper pH down.

I've also taken my 3 Master Kush clones and removed the net part from the peat pellet. They've all sprouted roots from the side. So i've removed the nets and added a little FFOF soil to the cups that they're in. They're really small cups, but I just want to get them going. 2 of the clones I'll prob trade to other medical users for seeds or pollen. And at least 1 of them will prob be vegged for a week or 2 and then put into flower with the rest of the crop. Should produce and extra qtr oz or so.
Enjoy the mini update. Although it goes after the last picture update. :-P


Well-Known Member
Nice vid bro. That rig looks crazy but it works. It'll be nice getting your hps, it'll simplify things. Once you get your hps are you going to have a veg area, or are you going to use the cfl's only for cloning?


Well-Known Member
I'll prob end up packin it away for a few, but when it does come out, it'll be a veg/cloning area for sure. I don't need to take large numbers of clones. In fact, I didn't even really need to take the ones I took, but I find now that i'm getting ready to trade them from other things (seeds, pollen, ect) to other people in my area...I don't wanna let em go. :-P I've grown accustom to them. I always wanna see how plants I started are doing.
I gave about 7 sproutlings to a friend few weeks back, of some stress and he keeps putting off showing me pics. Now that I think about it, it's been about a month since then, but they're crazy fuckin sativa's too...so they prob need like 8-9 months of growing time.

But your question, I will be using them as both, once I get some elbow room to more around in. ;-)

Truth B Known

Active Member
yo what up, nice video josh... man, i think i'm gettin some cfl for the lowers during veg.. you're look super healthy, mad green, and stacked up nicely..


Well-Known Member
I'm not doing the data this update, these are the pictures from 4/20/11 (a few days back)
I watered last night to raise the pH, and I may have to give them a little more SUPER LOW pHed water. I just ran another check with my meter (which may just be a piece of shit...so I think I need a new method before I overload my plants with low ph water) this morning and it came up at about 7.4 on 3 of them, and 6.8 or so on the other 2.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I decided to say fuck it, rather then upload pics from 3 or so days ago, I decided that i'll just upload a BRAND NEW video, since the last went over so well.
So, for your viewing pleasure, here are my ladies ;-)


Enjoy!! ^_^ :-D


Well-Known Member
Going to bed now, enjoy the video everyone!! And plz feel free to leave some feedback. :wink:

EDIT: You know...it JUST NOW occurred to me...that I never shared the NAMES of my plants.

C1 - Yoruichi (Yor-oo-Ich-ee) (The sound between the r-o is almost a d sound)
Picture 002.jpgView attachment 1566518View attachment 1566519View attachment 1566520

C2 - Suì-Fēng (This one is spelled real funny, it's pronounced "Suy(soy)-Phone"
Picture 016.jpgView attachment 1566536View attachment 1566539

C3 - Orihime (Or-ei-he-may)(Ori-he-may)
Picture 022.jpgPicture 021.jpgPicture 020.jpg

C4 - Saya (Sie-ya)(S-eye-ya)
Picture 027.jpgPicture 036.jpgPicture 034.jpg

S1 - Matsumoto (Mot-sue-moe-toe)
Picture 041.jpgPicture 038.jpgPicture 039.jpgPicture 045.jpg

Now, I def won't be calling them by their names during the journal, it's just a ceremonial thing...you know...for luck. And btw, they're all names of women from the Anime Bleach of which i'm quite a fan. :razz: Anyway, those are all new pics also, from a day or 2 ago at most. The update pics which I neglected to upload....yeah...enjoy.


Active Member
looking good, but your going to have to says those names in the video because i cant pronoun them lol :)
+1 on the names. Looking real good bro, I enjoy the vids gives a nice change of perspective from just photos. I may have missed it, and know you are being very thorough, but are you making your own r/o water or buying it somewhere? Also are you checking your ppm when you mix up your nutes? You could try a nutrient mix that is geared for acidic plants like azaleas or blueberries (both are acidic mixes and will help drop the ph) but it will takes some time to see the change in soil. hth a little bit.