4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Update: Last one..
Pretty much she can't recover from my abuse..
So i'm out...

Gonna go visit Fran for awhile


Well-Known Member
Here's my update for this weekend:

Up first is the Jillybean and one of the ones that I am liking the most so far.

Up next is my Amnesia which is also looking pretty good.


Up next are my two JTR's the first one looks the best of the two..
Second: P1040419.jpgP1040420.jpg
And finally here is my cheesequake, not looking the greatest, very slow starter since the cotyledons never fully formed from the endosperm out of seed, but may be coming back with a vengeance, who knows.


Well-Known Member
my update. jillybean x mulanjie

for your enjoyment another picture of Red Carpet Stain from his younger days



Well-Known Member
Howdy folks. Here's my weekly update. I didn't have time last night to pull her out and setup a proper shot, was listening to friend in concert. Not much going on, just growing bigger flower. I had a deficiency creep in early this past week. I treated it as a cal/mag issue...a few of the top fan leaves got pretty screwed up as a result, but it seems to have stabilized and the flowers are fine. This round, its only affected my party cup entry...the other phenos of the same strain, growing alongside this one are unaffected, and healthy as shit.

Its the most common problem I've had since switching over to LED. It seems to be a problem that certain strains that are especially sensitive to, and others seem to be able to plough through without issues. I had a specific pheno of my beloved Z7 medicinal strain that would never get past 3-4 weeks before completely falling apart, no matter what I did, it seemed.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
If your at a last ditch moment maybe try re-cupping her with some castings on the bottom, score the rootball a lil and give her one last chance...
Sounds clever, I will give that a try, I'm will keep you posted on how she turns out..
I;m still gonna withdraw myself from the comp..
Thanks for the help..


Well-Known Member
My BlueBerry King (BB King) is still marching along. She's started to get some internodal branching, and seven-fingered fan leaves; so that's nice. No flowers yet or anything of much interest. I suppose I'll take better photos when she gets prettier; but here she is today; stayin in it to win it.

IMG_2910.jpg IMG_1865.jpg (riu turned it sideways, sorry, I didn't take it sideways)


Well-Known Member
And for my official Entry I believe this is my 8th weekend update: born on Jan 28 I give you the Mk Ultra

Here is a close up of the same lighter shot from last week man she's growing she's almost all one cola now...:hump:


Well-Known Member
Hi all, my weekly update, Day 33. She's continuing to thicken up, going to have to change the feed now, she's starting to flower and the lower leaves are getting lighter. Glad I Fimmed her, she took to it nicely and should pay off in the next few weeks :)



Well-Known Member
And for my official Entry I believe this is my 8th weekend update: born on Jan 28 I give you the Mk Ultra

Here is a close up of the same lighter shot from last week man she's growing she's almost all one cola now...:hump:
Mk ultra is the baddest bitch around so far I think, you've made me a little jealous :thumbup: can't to see what mine looks like tonight

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Well-Known Member
Getting a little bit hardier, little more growth... woop woop!!

GEDC0404.jpg GEDC0405.jpg GEDC0409.jpg

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Burnt one of my 730's while soldering on one of the closer 660s, had to replace that buddy... but its going!

Be safe everyone, and back to titanfall.....


Well-Known Member
Mk ultra is the baddest bitch around so far I think, you've made me a little jealous :thumbup: can't to see what mine looks like tonight

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Thanks shroominnm words of encouragement are always nice to hear, I'll tell you some growers around these parts got me concerned, I just hope this Mk Ultra finishes well. There's alot of prety girls out there, keep up the good work guys.


Well-Known Member
Update 10 day 63...no more excuses..lol..just haven't had good luck with my cup entries:confused:

What could have been.........

Gotta admit tko's is looking like a knockout....looking good man!..BUT you know what they say...

First one done,is the first one out!:)

We still got a few months before this comp is over.....GOOD LUCK GUYS!