4th CFL Grow - Super Lemon Haze


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd give the CFL forum here a go, as the Stealth/Cabinet sub-forum seems to be lower traffic, so here goes, cheers! :joint:

I've started my 4th grow (and 5th too technically). I just transplanted the seedlings into their final containers the other day, and gave them a drink of some weak Roots Excelurator tonight.

I use a coco/perlite mix, about 80/20 this time. I'm also using House & Garden's line of nutrient and additives, as they have worked great for me so far! (Plus it doesn't hurt they sent me free samples of nearly their entire lineup! :mrgreen: )

Grow #4 is another Super Lemon Haze in a 2 gallon smart pot. She will veg and flower in my semi-stealth 6 foot cabinet. (by the way, this strain is AMAZING!:eyesmoke: )

Grow #5 is called Carmel Ice. I'm not sure if she will make it, so we will see. She's going to be a bonsai-style micro grow in a PC case.

No pics for now, as it's just boring seedling and early life stuff... :P

If you want details about either my cabinet setup, or the PC setup, you can click on the links in my signature and that should take you to the thread with details for that grow.
Im really gonna watch this. I personally have a SLH about 4' in veg so i need to bud her. What are you flower times like with this strain?


Well-Known Member
Im really gonna watch this. I personally have a SLH about 4' in veg so i need to bud her. What are you flower times like with this strain?
I've only grown one SLH so far, so I have a limited sample. I took mine out 9 weeks from first pistils, 10.5 weeks from when I flipped the lights. Being sativa dominant she will take a bit longer to reach maturity compared to indica dominant strains. I might try and let this next one go for 11-12 weeks...but we'll see :)

You can check out my first SLH grow by clicking the link on my signature if you're curious.


Well-Known Member
Welp, looks like I'll be doing two at the same time again. The 2nd plant, Carmel Ice, has pulled through. So I have a SLH in a 2 gallon Smart Pot in a 6' cabinet. And the CI in what amounts to a lil more than a 1/2 gallon tupperware in a PC case.

Since I have a few grows under my belt now, I'm going to try some more advanced techniques. Obviously the Carmel Ice will undergo LST since it's a PC case. I'm going to try and do better than my last LST job which wasn't as good as my first job. I just swapped out the fans in the PC case too. There should be better airflow, and it runs quieter than before. There are now 2x 140mm fans and 2x 120mm fans cooling the case.

The SLH I'm going to attempt to FIM or top her this time around. My last SLH grow I didn't try anything, and just let her go without influence. Naturally SLH tends towards a traditional christmas tree shape, so we'll see if I can make better use of the cabinet space this time around.

Here are some baby pictures to get the thread started properly. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Plants are coming along nicely. Since the Carmel Ice is a PC grow, I've started to LST the girl. She will start her flowering time soon as well.

The Super Lemon Haze is off to a great start! She got the tiniest bit of nute burn from the last feeding, I guess I ramped it up too soon. No biggie though it's minimal.

Question for the experienced growers, when should I look to FIM or top my SLH plant? I want to try that this grow, as my first time with SLH I just let her go natural and that was very pine tree like.



Well-Known Member
Welp...it's been a while since I've updated. Just haven't really felt like it for various reasons. Figured I would at least finish out this thread that I started with this grow.

I ended up chopping the PC grown Carmel Ice a few weeks early, as I was completely out and this SLH was still at least a month away from potential harvest. Even though it was on the early side, the trichs were almost all cloudy, so I was confident it would still pack a nice punch. It's going on the 2nd week of the cure, and so far so good! I pulled down just shy of 45g, which isn't bad for an early harvest. I used the popcorn and sugar trim to make dry ice kief, and got about 2g from that. I smoked about a 1/2g of the kief just after harvesting it, then used the rest in some clarified butter and made delicious brownies.

As for the Super Lemon Haze...I tried to FIM her, but ended up just topping her...better luck next time with that! I've used tomato string to help train the tops as well as help support them. She's really started packing the weight on in the last couple of weeks. The mid-level buds are so heavy they all droop! And the tops on this girl...just, wow! I feel like she should be ready harvest in a week, maybe two at the most. I can't wait to see the final numbers for this plant when it's done!


lol @ 2 months in between post but nice before n after pics. Glad to see your grow went as planned except for the early harvest of the Carmel Ice... but hey, if u gotta smoke u gotta smoke, right?? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words! She keeps getting better every day... I can't wait to see what harvest day brings, whenever that rolls around. I hope I get as much as, if not more than my previous SLH grow total... I topped this one, so we'll see how that affects the total.

As for the Carmel Ice, I figured I owed a pic or two of that, so here's a sample of that harvest. Not bad, for an early harvest...my 3rd from this PC case. I included the lighter in a pic for size reference. The buds have been curing for 2 weeks now. When you break open a nugget there's a heavy citrus/floral scent. They smoke great with a nice heavy indica hit, but not a couch-lock type.



Well-Known Member
Harvest day has come!

The day we all look forward too! She was planted back in late July, and the lights where flipped in late August with her first hairs in early September. I tried to FIM her, but missed and ended up topping her. She still did very well, even though I think I underfed her a bit this time. All her mid-level branches were so heavy with dense flowers they were drooping over! I added more supplemental lighting than I did the first time around, and it definitely paid off. I think I can add even more for the next go around...

I flushed her 3 days ago with 6 gallons of water. I read somewhere that flushing should be 3x your container size, I think. 90% of her hairs had turned color and receded. Her calyxes had swollen so much they look about to burst. All her trichs appeared to be milky under the scope, with only a hint of amber here and there on some of the older leaves. I think I pulled down more than the last SLH plant...but I won't know for a week or so. I can't wait to find out!

Onto the bud pr0n!



Active Member
how much wattage were your lights at on the SLH? what was your weight on your last grow?
Im planning to grow SLH or amnesia haze wid 1000w leds you think it would hit atleast 500grams either strain


Well-Known Member
It was dry enough to trim up tonight. That took alot longer than I thought it would...but by the end I was oh so pleased :D I'll still let it dry for a day or 2 before jarring up these nuggs. I have pint sized mason jars, that I'll use with the medium sized Boveda 62 for the cure.

I met my goal of surpassing my previous SLH grow, so for that I am quite happy! This time I pulled down 143.8g...thats just over 5 zips! In a few days I'll get some dry ice and go thru all the sugar trim and extract all that kief-y goodness.

Moar bud pr0n!

