4oz a month?


I have 3 plants , white widow , Og , platinum kush.This is my first time I use hps . And I just wanna know what you guys think. Im hoping to get 4 oz every month . I have a veg room also but still needs construction . I have them under 400 watt hps. I dim it down to 250 sometimes. I need advice ,thanks.


Well-Known Member
Not enough info, like the size of each room, but that seems pretty aggressive for a 400w to me. That said I sure you will find someone that will tell you they pull 6zips a month with a 23w CFL :)


3x4x5 Ft . My pots are square 3gallons plus I plan on putting a la confidential in there in the same type of pot.
. That's pretty much as big as my flower room gets


Im trying to find the perfect cycle for the 1/4 a month . I hope to put in 2 smaller plants and another same size one


Active Member
You can get a ounce per month but you should be able to get more then a oz per month of grow time.
Had a similar size room long ago same wattage bulb also.
But I had no additional veg area and I pulled down 9oz+ dry weight every 4 months (1 month veg 3ishmonths flower). 9oz Was my lowest yield the largest was 1lb+ but the quality was lower. One reason for the lower quality was genetic (the seeds used..the strain) The other was that the 400w hps didnt have the light penetration to get to the lower buds.
With no rotation of plants (all out at once)
Looks like you need to change method a bit (more plant training).

I agressively topped my plants. Look into things like......
Main-lining https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/542308-main-lining-thread.html Amazing but takes a bit of time to do.
super cropping
FIM ing.........

With a small room and a low wattage HPS its all about canape management. You want to keep your plants short, wide and as even in height as you can.
That way you can keep the light as close to the plant as you can not just the tip tops of it.


Active Member
That main-lining thread is great.

Its amazing just takes to long for me.
I used the method once on a strain i have had for years and it added a month to the veg time.
And for us with limited veg and flower space it just took to long for me.
It would work great with the ops setup if he has the room to veg plants longer.
But I went from a 1 month veg to 2 months.
BTW the yield was about the same as my method of topping but main-lining produced nicer more uniform buds.


Read it i might be planing that for my outdoor plus i cloned my indoors already there under a cfl . I just want to get a good cycle with this light and some cfl


Active Member
If you want a 1month cycle I would do one plant per month out and one in.
Flower 4 plants at a time and 1 plant in veg for a month.
You should get 4+oz per month/plant without much trouble.
But the main thing will be canopy management.
With 4 under a 400w you want to keep the plants a even in height as you can and strip the lowers.
Its hard (at least for me it was) to strip off all the bud sites and branches from the lower 2/3 of the plant.
But ill tell you once you do it a few times you quickly see.
With all the lower crap that wont ammount to much gone all that energy they would have used growing, goes into the bud at the top.


I have them in 24 hour cycle i had them with a couple of cfl at night and outside during the day