4OO WATT hps why so small yield?

So i am wondering why am i getting so small buds with 400watt hps?i will post pics this is 25days under 12/12light.I am posting this because i this is my second grow,my first grow was under 90watt led ufo (white widow x big bud) i grow it in soil and didnt use any nutrients nothing at all in 3gal pot so just soil and water once in 5-7days complete grow.it yield about 20g dry bud.So i wasnt satisfied with the yield (potency was real good considering i didnt use nutrients) any way i wasnt satisfied so i bought 400watt hps,bio thrive 4,3,3for veg and bloom 2,4,4 for flowering.i used 400watt hps for veg (didnt have mh) anyway i veg it 1 and half months before i switched to 12/12 i topped it after 3rd set of leaves.I am following the directions with the nutrients.Lights are 14inch above the tops.And i am completley unsatisfied with the look of my plant under this light...To be honest i think that 90watt led would produce the same amount of buds (maybe even more) if i used nutrients with it...So i am wondering i need an expert advice what am i doing wrong?why does plant have so samll buds after almost 1month under 12/12?it there some trick or what?
Sorry about my English guys its my second language i hope you all understand me.
Strain:tga subcool 3rd dimension


i did research everything thats why i dont get it what is the problem...what am i doing wrong? not good nutes?light to weak? bad strain? what am i doing wrong this guy said i have to research lolipoping... i did cut most of lower branches that wont produce much...

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
deadgro is right ,lot of stretch ,no reflection on walls to help light to full potential ,really need to work on that nutrient schedule ,they look like sativa from my old eyes ,if they are you got a long ways to go before there done


Well-Known Member
Light too far from plants keep the light as close as you can without overheating the plants.. you should be able to put the back of your hand there for about a minute without it getting too hot. fans help. if you veg with the light closer the plant will not stretch as much and have more budsites closer together. havign lots of budsites in small area and keep the light close.

Theoretically you could surround a bulb with plants so much that you cannot see the bulb.. that is 100% efficient use.. I can see there is a majority of the light escaping out the sides and even the thickest part of the canopy is letting lots of light through.

And for veg you are better off getting T5 or LED. They don't use nearly as much electric and do a great job.


Well-Known Member
look up SCROG and LST it works for my 250 watt but i have some fluorescent in there as well so if mine can do it Ur 400 watt should be able to produce a lot good luck on ur next grow


Well-Known Member
So i am wondering why am i getting so small buds with 400watt hps?i will post pics this is 25days under 12/12light.I am posting this because i this is my second grow,my first grow was under 90watt led ufo (white widow x big bud) i grow it in soil and didnt use any nutrients nothing at all in 3gal pot so just soil and water once in 5-7days complete grow.it yield about 20g dry bud.So i wasnt satisfied with the yield (potency was real good considering i didnt use nutrients) any way i wasnt satisfied so i bought 400watt hps,bio thrive 4,3,3for veg and bloom 2,4,4 for flowering.i used 400watt hps for veg (didnt have mh) anyway i veg it 1 and half months before i switched to 12/12 i topped it after 3rd set of leaves.I am following the directions with the nutrients.Lights are 14inch above the tops.And i am completley unsatisfied with the look of my plant under this light...To be honest i think that 90watt led would produce the same amount of buds (maybe even more) if i used nutrients with it...So i am wondering i need an expert advice what am i doing wrong?why does plant have so samll buds after almost 1month under 12/12?it there some trick or what?
Sorry about my English guys its my second language i hope you all understand me.
Strain:tga subcool 3rd dimension
Pull your sleaves up and get to work, lets increase your yeild , there is still something you can do.
1st- Research about LST and do it , use your imagination , Make a flat canopy , pull those branchs down , bend them , do it gently soo you dont stess it much. The Bigger ones you can do something like this.


off course your already too late to do it so well , but its all about beeing creative , and gentle. Put the most of your bud Sides at the same level , like a flat screen.

2nd step- Get a termometer and put it in your canopy.

3rd step- lower your light until your temperature at the canopy stay arround 27 - 28 C MAX! . make sure you have good ventilation also.

4nd - Make a Good management of you grow room enviroment , you can't do much until you have a good control of it . do not let your night temps drop below 15º , ideal is too stay arround 19 - 20 ºC. Lower night temps will decrase your plants metabolism , and affect growth.

in a few weeks you will be please with the results, you will see an explosion of growth in your smaller bud sites.

Good Luck. do not wait too long , every day counts ;)


Well-Known Member
How long does TGA list as flowering time? I also noticed many people said TGA's stuff doesn't always yield that great but very high quality.


Well-Known Member
Plant looks Sativa(am I right?) so you are 1/2 way to completion. The buds will get bigger, BUT next time you should use a dual MH/HPS fixture. You will not get the plant development using only HPS, you really need MH for veg to create a dense, tight internode plant.
yes it is sativa (mostly) it says that it is fast flowering sativa (only 50days). Thank you for the info about lst i will try it in my next grow for sure.and i am also considering to buy 600watt led i kinda feel that hps dont have enough penetration+i will also have to spend money on exhausting (cool tube,fans etc...) so i think that if i order 600watt mars led light for 250$ from ebay and i just buy some reflective material its gonna be okay?right? i dont know but i have feeling that hps is not good enough unless you gonna have big grow room with 1000watt and this heat is annoying me so much i mean every 30min i have to ge check my grow room and adjust the heat with opening or closing my window...makes me mad


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you have about 6-10 more weeks of flowering until those things are ready.... depending on the strain.

Go to radio shack, get a x100 microscope, check those trichomes at least twice a week. You want them to be all milky, only a few amber... unless you want a different kind of high, just do some research honey.


Well-Known Member
switch strains, get gh maxi sreies nutes, and put 20 clones after 1 week of veg in a 4x4 area under that 400 w hps,,, ull get a 1/2 lb...


Well-Known Member
yes it is sativa (mostly) it says that it is fast flowering sativa (only 50days). Thank you for the info about lst i will try it in my next grow for sure.and i am also considering to buy 600watt led i kinda feel that hps dont have enough penetration+i will also have to spend money on exhausting (cool tube,fans etc...) so i think that if i order 600watt mars led light for 250$ from ebay and i just buy some reflective material its gonna be okay?right? i dont know but i have feeling that hps is not good enough unless you gonna have big grow room with 1000watt and this heat is annoying me so much i mean every 30min i have to ge check my grow room and adjust the heat with opening or closing my window...makes me mad
Hey dude, ive been reading this thread and i noticed u pu all emphasis on ur light, A 400 watt hps WILL produce, i mean my first go i got 14 grams of a plant 20cm tall and i did that grow 12/12 from seed with some cfls and towards the end a 150watt hps. Its probably something else dont go dishing out money for more light cause i truly believe u just havent learned to use your light properly, Get some mylar on those walls , and if u dont have air exchange make sure you get it done quick!! Im no pro by any means so u can disregard whatever i say :D


Well-Known Member
So first, I would try growing an indica like kush. They tend not to stretch out like your plants are doing. Also get you some mylar for the walls or paint them flat white. Secondly, your 400watt hps is plenty of light for a lot more plants than you are currently growng. So dont waste money on new/more light, what you have got is plenty. Light placement may also be an issue with you. You want the light as close as it can be without burning the tops of your plants. A good way to test this is to lower your light and place your hand at canopy level (palm down). Keep it there for 60 seconds. If your hand is burning your light is too close and should be raised a couple inches. Keep doing this until you no longer feel the burn. After a few grows you will get the hang of this too. Good Luck Bro.


Well-Known Member
How long does TGA list as flowering time? I also noticed many people said TGA's stuff doesn't always yield that great but very high quality.
Tga jack skellington yielded decent outdoor, but I am not a sativa or haze guy, and imo I think Sub loves them. To each is own, was nice for what is was.

black jesus

Well-Known Member
Yeah I would tie them it down and clean the bulb...also for you next grow og pick up some cheap flat white paint


Well-Known Member
I want to try some of his stuff, I'm all about the sativas, probably get some vortex at some point. Ithink he's added some stuff since the last time i looked into it.