Well-Known Member
Spin tight bulkhead? I thought uc used uniseals. That is what I make all mine out of. There hard as hell to push in but they sure as shit don't leak! I did the math on buying a uc and it would have cost twice the price and either way you have to put it together. If I could change anything about mine I would have rather used 7 gallon buckets instead of 5. You can buy square tomato cages just about anywhere now days and they come in two sizes. I love the way your cages work for outdoor growers and it even works better when you start with a small one early on and put a larger one around when they start to bloom. You cant get better support then that nut I have to be able to check my roots and be able to pull them out to do maintenance. I'm pretty excited today I've got my first water chiller on the way no more 75f water for me.