im using sunshine#4. i had a bit of fungus gnats last run but i bleached the box and thought i cleared them all out. the problem is.. during the day the lights are off.. so those fuckers crawl through the bottom of my box, to outside the garage there are thousands of them sitting outside my garage. the terminex guy was like WTF and sprayed extra there but the bastards are still around and then at night they crawl back in my box so i been spraying the shit out of the bottom of my box where they creep in and the concrete floor inside. but i dont like the idea of using bug spray after week 5 even if it just is on the walls and the floor. i added perlite and sand to my buckets this seems to have helped.. but i googled the pictures of the shit they lay in your dirt.. and i havent really been touching the dirt since haha. i dont think there is more larva cause in veg i got lazy for a week and there was like thousands of them chillin on the tops of my canopy. thats when i got the perlite and sand and been spraying a bit since. Do those mosquito things take out the beneficials in the dirt like bugspray? i had those sticky trap things all around but the canopy got too gnarly and after getting a couple of the traps with gnats on them stuck in my hair i was done with that shit hahahave you tried crushing mosquito dunks and watering it into your soil? or putting a layer of vermiculite on top of your soil? the gnats lay eggs in the dirt and then crawl out and fly away, the vermiculite tends to kill them. those are 2 ways i have heard of getting rid of them that i think is worth passing on.
my gnat problem also went away the DAY i stopped using roots organics soil and went over to fox farms ocean forest. i dont know if this last tip helps at all because i dont know what soil you use, its was only my situation.
As for what a breaker is connected tohow would i go about finding what goes to what breaker.
thanks for patients guys
plants look great bro. nice job. i run my 1000w lights in air cooled hoods at 12" so i bet a couple 600's in bat wings could be at 12-16" no 30 update. starting to like what im seeing, a decent comeback. the room is still not as full as last time i dont think but i added the two lights so hopefully i get a decent harvest. does anyone know how close to run these 600 wings? i got them at like 16 inches from the canopy.i think im going to bring them down to 12, they dont feel too warm. i put 6 oscillating fans in there to assure this bubblegum does not get budrot this time around.
i'd go through them again and just get the big fan leaves that have stems on them. clean en up a little. it will help reduce the work later and will also give your lower nodes a little boost.phil i lollipopped the fuck out of them and plucked pretty much Any large fan leave day 15-19. i ended up with a full black trashbag of foliage i thought i almost went TOO MUCH. of course this always happens and then ten days later you cant see the floor in any spot from the top of the canopy. do you think i should go through again and pluck some more before i let them chill til week 7ish?
also i wanted to ask. im getting a little burn around 950ppms.. this is about what i max at anyways with connoisseur. i think its mostly p & K burn. Im using big bud at a rate of 2-3ml per gallon and the b52 at about 2ml per gallon. im still a noob but im trying to narrow down what im getting the burn from and i think with the 2 part they are getting + the big bud and b52 that there is too much P k. so should i cut out the b52? or should i give less B than A with my 2 part and continue to use the additives?
yea, i doubt it's the cal/mag. i would finish out this run using the additives like you have been. then try upping them a little on the next run. see how they respond.will do for sure! thank you dude. it wouldnt be burn from the cal mag though right? im only doing like 1ml per gallon with that and it seems to have made them more happy. i did like 240ml of A&b for a res so ill try 200 of the B. should i up the dose right away on the big bud and b52 and see how that goes or should i wait and see?
that's patrick and his helper who does the watering.Well first off I am going to give your rep because I am a honest guy, even though I should not because you thrashed me on my thread. But I give credit when it is due. But I have one question I made it through the first 15 or pages.. How the fuck do you water them? And where does the run-off go? You have no walk ways or anything? Just a room full of plants. That is crazy I mean I could understand if the room was one big ebb n flow but damn that has to be a lot of work..
hahahah word scoobs! actually my helper got booted out of the room this run, im doing it on my own. i hand water everyday.. 3 lights one day.. 3 lights the next. the run off cruises along the floor where i get to crawl around in to water them and then it creeps out the bottom of the box and goes where ever haha. it takes me about 3-4 hours everyday but i dont have alot else going on so i dont mind it. and 11.5 ps off 4k watts... for me its worth it.
nugs >walkwayswell first off i am going to give your rep because i am a honest guy, even though i should not because you thrashed me on my thread. But i give credit when it is due. But i have one question i made it through the first 15 or so pages.. How the fuck do you water them? And where does the run-off go? You have no walk ways or anything? Just a room full of plants. That is crazy, i mean i could understand if the room was one big ebb n flow but damn that has to be a lot of work..
the guy at the hydro store i go to hooked it up with this little wall mount t5 green bulb thing. its like a 2 foot, draws 24 watts and it lights up so i can see everything in there pretty well. really happy with it for 20 bucks. beats the hell out of the headlamplookin good! i like the green leds for night work