Well-Known Member
hahahah....why don't u go fuck urself....bitch ass hater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yawn....I hope your like 16 or something, otherwise your pathetic, hater? what was I hating on, the fact that your from shit ass bulgaria? I wasn't. So your a little confused. Sorry your from bulgaria. Give your mother and your donkey my regards...thanks for bulgariaing up an otherwise good thread. later.
bulgarify-to cover in shit; to make smell like shit; or otherwise make 'shit-like'
Let's all get alonggggggggggggggggggggggg btw nice avatarhahahah....why don't u go fuck urself....bitch ass hater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks! there are dumb and fucked up ppl in bg, but where don't?!? yes, i'm coolI've worked with Bulgarians, assrabi they are some cool people! I am growing out some bagseed as we speak, I always get decent nugs, last harvest my nugs smelled like citrus.
I have been growing bag seed for like 7 years and it will knock you on your ass 8 out of ten times, the weed it comes from isn't that important ive had the shitiest brick weed seeds turn out to be killer most herb is good before it's keefed compressed and whatever els ppl do with it I LOVE BAG SEED, it's serviced me well for many years now and then you may get crap but mostly good highs in my grow room. right now i am growing a from a bag o kush but have goten kkiller herb from some poop bud
I'm an American????good to hear, from an america. I did think, what kind of bud was this before it sat inside some warehouse for months, got keefed/hashed bundled up packed in a hot car for months, sittin in some mexicans garage for a months, until it finnally gets to the streets, and then who knows how old it is.
So are you saying I'm dumb and fucked up? I didn't do anything to you and YOU started on a hate rampage....thanks! there are dumb and fucked up ppl in bg, but where don't?!? yes, i'm coolhahaha... cheers!!!
Fuck You Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahah....why don't u go fuck urself....bitch ass hater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not too sure what shits I was talking, clearly it started with you just gettin a little mad, then more mad, then you tell us a little bit about yourself, oh but still mad!!hmmmmm......i'm 22. wtf should i come to USA....haha...i think not... u start to talk shits! i'm just curious.....when will u go to fuck urself?!?!