499w hps ?


Active Member
hey fellow growers! i have 1 grow under my belt, and i did it with cfls. I am fixin to step it up with a 400w hps/mh convertible light set. i was wondering how much of a heat problem i will have in my grow cab? i plan to air cool it with duct out of either end of the light. my cab is about 5 ft long 4 ft tall and about 2 ft wide.do yall think this 400w light will be worth the trouble? eventually i will get me a grow ten for flower and use my cab for veg.any advice would be appreciated.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
you will be so much happier switching to that 400w as long as you have enough ventilation it will be fine and obviously dependant on the climate you live in if its a warm climate you obviously that will be a factor to consider temps are easily controlled with a 400w. good ventilation a good extractor and a oscilating fan should do the job fine. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
you will be impressed w/ the MH/HPS over CFLs. when hanging the light,(assuming horizontal)know that the footprint is not a circle but oblong w/ more light being thrown to the sides verses the ends. meaning you will want the base against a 5 foot wall pointing at the other 5 foot wall.


Well-Known Member
Thats almost the same size as my grow tent. My temps got up to 90+ uncooled, but with a 400CFM inline fan + aircooled hood I kept them average in the mid 70s


Active Member
i plan on getting an air cooled hood would a simple duct fan blowing through 6in duct be suffecent or do i need to invest in a good inline fan.the fan i was looking at on amizon was like 20 buck


Well-Known Member
those duct booster fans don't pull to much air. imo a proper ventilation system is crucial if you're going to use hps/mh lighting.


Active Member
alrighty sharky ill get me one of those too then,thanks guys for leading me in the right direction!!


I've got a tent 2'2" x 2'2" x 4'9" with a 400W HPS in it. Just a regular shade, no cool tube and I can keep the temps stable at 70-80F (depending on how much I open the rear flap, which is about 1' square). I have 2 x 4" extractor fans which pull 107cfm each.