482 watt cfl grow. One retarded plant help please


Active Member
Ok so I started this grow with 6 plants all sprouted from random bagseed, I ended up with 3 nice females, one male and one retarded plant.
it's a female but she's all gnarled and deformed, she does have 3 nice branches coming off the main. Her color is good and she doesn't seem to have any other issues besides the crazy leaves and twisted branches ( it sprouted like that).
Do you guys think it will still flower?
Any ideas as to the cause?
she's currently on an 18/6 light schedule under a mix of 5000k ,2700k, 6500k cfls (2x 23w 5000k, 1 x 55w 2700k focused directly on it about 4" from leaves)
the temps average 75f and humidity around 40%
I water daily with Botanicare- Pure Blend Soil, Sweet Raw and Liquid Karma all at full strength ph'ed to 6.5
the plant was sprouted 9-16-2013 and is only about 6" tall @6weeks

Will this turn out to be some crazy ass mutant weed that will give me super powers?
Stay tuned people I'm going to try and flower this deal plus take a clone if possible.
Any suggestions are appreciatedIMG_20131027_100451.jpgIMG_20131027_100458.jpgIMG_20131027_100504.jpgIMG_20131027_100510.jpg
What is your medium?? It looks like mulch. That could be fucking with it. It looks like it could also be lacking N but it seems stressed as can be.
The soil is a mulch/ compost mix that holds the right amount of water for my taste, I have been using it in my container gardens indoors and out for years. The plant sprouted all messed up like that from the very first set of leaves, and all of the other plants get the same treatment and turned out fine. I think it may be a genetic flaw/ anomaly.
I'm Curious if the plant will perpetuate this defect, will a clone continue the trait?
When it's slightly bigger I plan to take a clone and start in a rapid rooter I suppose I could also try different soil to see if that effects it.
(btw not a fan of Fox Farms... had 2 bags out of 4 with fungus gnats over the years) - any soil recommendations?
If I'm able to take more than one clone I may do a grow in coco too.
it looks like a clone of a flowering plant that's revegging. good luck with it.
It does sort of look like reveg' but it's from seed and about six weeks old.
With my reveg experiences in the past the first set of leaves grow messed up but once it gets going again all of the leaves are fine.
Id go with promix HP. Has a bunch of perlite mixed in and i think dolomite lime. Good price. About $25-$35 for a big square brick. I forget how many cu ft but its at least 3 for the same price as a single bag of fox farm. This is what i use and it works fine and never had a bug problem with it.

It could be genetically flawed or might just have a delicate root system that doesnt like the mulch?
Id go with promix HP. Has a bunch of perlite mixed in and i think dolomite lime. Good price. About $25-$35 for a big square brick. I forget how many cu ft but its at least 3 for the same price as a single bag of fox farm. This is what i use and it works fine and never had a bug problem with it.

It could be genetically flawed or might just have a delicate root system that doesnt like the mulch?
Thanks for the soil suggestion I will check around for a bag.
No problem. Any promix is good except the orange bag. The stuff for seedlings. For some reason ive always had trouble with it. But anything other than that will do ya good.
a few pics of mutant retard... she's still growing and has nice color and branches, I flushed the soil well and gave it a nice dose of Botanicaire Pureblend soil formula and her color came in a deep green within 24hrsIMG_20131030_080309.jpgIMG_20131030_080322.jpg
Hehe, the mulch is a first for me, but to each his own or whatever works! Taking a clone will most likley result in the same traits being carried on IMO (I wouldnt invest time, but you never know). I had a tomato plant in my outdoor garden that looked kinda like that...all other 5 plants were fine and from the same tomato from the previous season. the plant grew curled bright green leaves and flowered, but looked like it was at deaths door the whole time...the tomatos never devloped tho, just stayed small and green...I killed it to prevent its genetics from speading!
I have learned to freeze my soil beforehand to kill the eggs. And ya I have one crazy mutant as well seemed to top itself see those two mains? IMAG1196.jpg
These are a few pics of her today, her new growth seems to be somewhat normal, a few of the leaves are still curling but she looks a lot better overall. I gave her half of a tomato stake + her normal nute regiment of Botanicare nutes. She has 4 branches coming off of the main currently and is getting a hearty stalk.
What I do when mine want grow, is to dig them up, and wash off all the dirt, and put in a glass of water for 4 to 6 weeks, or when you see a lot of new roots growing out. Then replant them. They should start growing really good after that.
my plant is doing a lot better and seems to be sprouting normal leaves now, But I set up my 400 watt hps so I will be discontinuing this thread but I will still keep tabs on the progress of my lil retard on my other grow log in the stealth cab. I will try to post a link to that thread tomorrow.
the color looks way better it looks to me like you kept moving t around and it got dizzy lookin for the light, lol. One thing I have learned is don't over nute. that looks like a mutation in the seed or something you never know maybe when it flowers it will have buds that look like venus flytraps, and you can feed virgins to it like in little shop of horrors.

Here's the link to my current "main grow" I will be including my mutant with that one now if anybody is interested. I do believe it to be a random defect from seed. But I'm going to keep her going through harvest. This may be some trippy new psychotropic strain... and my wife doesnt let me fry anymore haha j/kView attachment 2893866View attachment 2893867View attachment 2893868View attachment 2893869View attachment 2893870

mybad sorry the first pic is of the male that I ended up with, I have him in a separate box now. he was just beginning to show sex so I dont think he knocked any of my girls up yet.
I had grew a bag seed in texas and it had looked like it had a stroke only retarded on one side lol a storm came and demolished it