47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues


New Member
Jail for not buying health insurance or paying the fine is something I will have to see to believe. Let's check back on this one in another 4-5 years or so...

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
You call BS on Jailing? Really. You should watch the cuts of how Obama, Pelosi, Reid etc skirt the issue like a caddis fly. Yes Jail for scofflaws is absolutely a part of the legislation. It does not surprise me to see you brush aside the proposed jaill for persons who do not purchase health insurance. That is par for the course as I have seen played from persons of left leaning mindset. I have been known to lean left myself but tend to find a comfortable balance.
Please specify where in the bill it says people who do not purchase health insurance will face jail time


Active Member
Prosecution is authorized under the Internal revenue code for a variety of offense. Depending on the level of non-compliance, the following penalties could apply to the individual.

Section 7203 - misdemeanor wilful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
Section 7201 - felony wilful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.



New Member
Guys... read the papers.... it's all over the news.... the states are balking at the MANDATES.... the ones the supposedly don't exist in your own minds.



Well-Known Member

I didn't ever hear that little tid bit! I mean it doesn't effect me, but I feel I a fairly informed.

As I say, and will once again, a law is the admittance the social structure has failed. If you need to jail people, which increasingly becomes the case, you are screaming to the public that "they failed before me, and I fail for you."

Think about if people just studied how they wanted, went to the schools they wanted, practice with logic and deliberation as our state of science allows us. The hunter gatherer societies were very much egalitarian, they saw each other as components of the same device. I like the analogy of the watch, each person being a gear not receiving more energy than is necessary to turn the first cog.

I also like to say when people bring up the watchmaker analogy as a proof of science not working, and I respond,

"Doth the watchmaker not wear his own watch!" - Mr.KushMan



New Member
As soon as man stayed put and farmed... that was the beginning of the end. Archeologists can find no trace of war when Man were strictly Hunters. Friction....sure.... but not war. Fences breed contempt and selfishness.


Well-Known Member
As soon as man stayed put and farmed... that was the beginning of the end. Archeologists can find no trace of war when Man were strictly Hunters. Friction....sure.... but not war. Fences breed contempt and selfishness.
Very succinct! That makes tons of sense.

So what I proposed on the other thread makes more than enough sense.



Well-Known Member
there is a penalty exemption for refusing to pay the fine imposed for lack of healthcare insurance. if you don't buy the insurance and don't pay the fine, the penalty is NOTHING. got it, NOTHING. no penalty. NONE nada zero zip


New Member
You could claim your religion prohibits medical care besides prayer and get out of the fine legally (I would think, don't quote me on that!)


Global Moderator
Staff member
there is a penalty exemption for refusing to pay the fine imposed for lack of healthcare insurance. if you don't buy the insurance and don't pay the fine, the penalty is NOTHING. got it, NOTHING. no penalty. NONE nada zero zip
Are you saying that if I choose not to purchase health care I will get fined?
And now when I get fined I can choose not to pay the fine with no repercussions?


New Member
there is a penalty exemption for refusing to pay the fine imposed for lack of healthcare insurance. if you don't buy the insurance and don't pay the fine, the penalty is NOTHING. got it, NOTHING. no penalty. NONE nada zero zip
and you think that makes a lick of sense? You're easily hoodwinked....


New Member
Tell me, how am I hoodwinked. (This ought to be good.)
I ask if it makes sense to you..... lol

so there is a MANDATE.... and if you don't follow the mandate....you get fined... if you don't pay the fine...nothing happens...

Your words..... now you think that sounds like the truth??!!! LOL...oh my.


Active Member
Here is what the provisions of the bill says.

Failure to pay the Mandated healthcare insurance subjects one to Criminal penalties
Prosecution is authorized under the Internal revenue code for a variety of offense. Depending on the level of non-compliance, the following penalties could apply to the individual.

Section 7203 - misdemeanor wilful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
Section 7201 - felony wilful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years

PLease post the evidence you have that refutes this.