45 gallon pots romulan


Well-Known Member
if you look at your indoor results sticki, you're pulling a lil more then one zip per gallon of soil.. you said you got 3.5 from a 3 gallon pot, so with 45 gallons outdoors, i'd think you should get at least the same one zip per gallon, if not much more, so that would give you 45 ounces at one per gallon.. that's a hair under three elbows right there, so i'd say it's very doable just going off of your indoor numbers and upscaling them..
thats wat i was thanking but wasnt sure. the nugs indoor get the same size as shaving cream bottles even the nugs at the botom are nice. just a very gud strain cause usually i pull about 2 zips aplant with other strains.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that soil mass isn't the only controlling factor. Area is also very important. Depending on strain and grower, most plants produce between 30 and 60 grams sq/ft. So...

453.6 divided by 30 = 15.12 sq/ft. or a diameter of a bit more than four feet for one lb.

A heavy producer like Romulan may approach 60 grams sq/ft, or 7.56 sq./ft. Or slightly less than a three foot diameter.

Outdoors, most strains will need the larger area.

LST, used to widen each plant's "footprint" will help increase yield.

Now, if you want 3 pounds each, you'll need to multiply each plant's area(footprint) by 3.

Between 22.56 and 45.36 sq/ft. Or a circle with a diameter of 5.4 to 7.45 feet.

I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I'm using the formula for the area of a circle. pi x radius squared. The reason I mention these numbers is that placed in a 4' x 4' grid, you'll have trouble getting to the pots as they near flowering.

One more thing. If the soil beneath your smart pots is tilled, lightly fertilized, and soaked before you place your pots/plants, roots may penetrate the bottom of the pot, providing several times your initial soil mass.

Although I used raised beds, you might benefit from reading through my threads. I've included a lot of information gained from long experience. All linked in my siggy.


Well-Known Member
Mr Sticky.....I did my Rommy in 200 gallon bags last year, and wished they had more room. I got 4.5 lbs avg from them. The year before in the big 40 grow, they were in the 10ft. wide rows, 10 ft apart and avg 6 lbs each. I believe grown properly in the ground they would easily pull 10lbs. My little bro used 65s last year and got 3lb. each.


Well-Known Member
Mr Sticky.....I did my Rommy in 200 gallon bags last year, and wished they had more room. I got 4.5 lbs avg from them. The year before in the big 40 grow, they were in the 10ft. wide rows, 10 ft apart and avg 6 lbs each. I believe grown properly in the ground they would easily pull 10lbs. My little bro used 65s last year and got 3lb. each.
10 pound off one plant is a dream... lol


Well-Known Member
im growing the same exact cut as wheezer never seen a strain yield so much indoor. im thinking ican yield 2 pounds aplant out of my 45s. but next year ill go with 65s. there 2 feet tall now lst them and there wider than there tall. damn i wish i had apic to show wheezer....i got a question for u whesser..igo18 rom in 5 gal pot under 2 raptors 1k hortilux 9 per 4x4 tray. my frien jamie that had got them frm u pulled 3 zones a plant under small hoods and a ge bulb. could i pull 3 easy with 4 weeks veg im 2 weeks in right now have 2 flower june 1st so i have product in august


Active Member
i got a few romulan x br on the go, inside under cfls which are 3 days old but gonna be put outside ina few weeks!!looks tastey shizzzz


Well-Known Member
if you look at your indoor results sticki, you're pulling a lil more then one zip per gallon of soil.. you said you got 3.5 from a 3 gallon pot, so with 45 gallons outdoors, i'd think you should get at least the same one zip per gallon, if not much more, so that would give you 45 ounces at one per gallon.. that's a hair under three elbows right there, so i'd say it's very doable just going off of your indoor numbers and upscaling them..
what he said


Well-Known Member
yea im hoping for the same results as the indoor times 15 or 20. i mean only thing im doing different is using a10000000 watt bulb


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys veg for, And how old are the clones or plants when you plant then outside ?

Im curious if this is only possible in cali or if This can be achieved anywhere ?